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Oct 19, 2023
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Friends, please do not use this link. It is not fair to allow other orgs to get credit and list build for monies we are attempting to raise here. Please use the links provided here and I am working on getting a single link for all six. Thanks all.

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Oct 19, 2023
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Sorry Abbi, I deleted your comment by accident! Feel free to share again.

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No worries

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Thanks Simon! I’ve been doing a ton of calling into VA and it’s fun, easy, and incredibly satisfying. I just signed up with your link to call with the VA Dems later today. Who will join me?

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Is there a text option?

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Every texting opp I know has come and gone but here are all the phonebank opportunities I know of between now and Tuesday. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nosO8_PbUdzMhgQUcxIel2-6QweU0y1Bh6ADBxtnhM0/edit

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I donated to each of the candidates and downloaded another batch of vote forward letters.

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Simon can you elaborate on “...can see in the early vote data that the money Governor Glenn Youngkin has been pouring is making a difference...” ?

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Republican vote coming in a bit heavier than we anticipated. We have plenty of time to respond - hence this appeal.

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Michael, If you really want to get down and dirty, aka - into the weeds, go to VPAP.org - Virginia Public Access Project, which gives you, by VA Senate and House district, the district’s lean, the early voting totals, which candidate has collected how much $$$, etc, etc.

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Big ask but how is left to each of us according to the personal ability and every bit helps.

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Yes, everyone does what is most comfortable for them, but if the tens of thousands members of the Hopium community all do one thing today it can make a huge difference!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thanks for the guidance. I’ve been wondering what more I could or should do in Virginia. And for which candidates. This is so helpful.

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Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank You! I have been calling into VA. , through various organizations..I am also working on postcards to be sent out next week.

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Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Travis Nembhard who is running for HD 22 is gaining some momentum but needs help to get him across the finishing line. Same with Monty Mason who is running for re-election for the state senate, 24th district. He is in a statistical tie with the R running against him. We are also calling and canvassing for some of the candidates Simon has endorsed. Please sign up here, https://ssprogressiveaction.org/event-directory/

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I completely agree Monty Mason is a big priority. It's a very key and close race. Among other things, he is a fine legislator who has been instrumental (with others) in keep the Youngkin agenda in check. My group D.C.- area group did 1,005 doors for him this past weekend.

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Donated a small but hopefully helpful amount to all of the candidates you listed. I think the campaign ad from the Democratic Party is absolutely brilliant!! Thanks Simon.

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Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Donated a small but hopefully helpful amount to all of the candidates you listed. I think the campaign ad from the Democratic Party is absolutely brilliant!! Thanks Simon.

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Simon, Pls tell the various VA campaigns you suggest to us to put in a “weekly til Nov. 7” choice for recurring donations!

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Here is an easy-to-use toolkit from DemCast for the VA elections.


You might have to download the images and then attach to your post.

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Thanks, Joanne. I’m been so impressed by the Demcast toolkit and I have been posting on X, Instagram and TikTok for these impressive VA candidates. The videos are excellent and I hope they motivate Virginians to get out and vote.

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I am glad to hear you are using the posts and that you like them! I can't take credit for creating them, but I also find them to be really useful, especially the images and videos.

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"Brava ! Joan"

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Simon, I've been donating to

the States Project/VA. Should

I re-direct my donation to these candidates instead, or

is SP doing well?

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Whatever is best for you. Love the States Project.

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Is there an ACTBLUE donation set up for these six all together? It would be much simpler and time effective to have the option to donate to all six at one time rather than donate six times individually.

An Actblue account to all six in one place would also make it easier to put in social media spaces.

Thanks for all your work Simon

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Trying to get that built.

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Thanks Simon. Please be sure to put this link as a new post, as many folks won't see this comment.

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Good news. bluevoterguide.org will be adding Simon to our list of endorsers!

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Very cool tool Wayne. Thank-you.

( Now if someone could only come up with a Blue Voter Guide for hyper local races like city/ county judge races that would be heaven!)

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Wayne, appreciate what you do, but I would like folks in this community to link to this post and these candidates. That's it. That's my simple recommendation at this point. No need to go anywhere else.

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Thanks Wayne!

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