Great post, although not all deficits are bad, and regulating spending on that premise leads to insufficient spending. Deficit spending, done carefully, is usually good. See The Deficit Myth by Stephanie Kelton. She's an MMT advocate, so maybe on the radical side, but even MMT skeptics like Paul Krugman and Larry Summers agree that deficit spending is often just the ticket to energize the economy. After all, it follows from Keynes. No?

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I appreciate what you’re doing. Keep it coming 😊

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Fared Zakaria’s breakdown of the USA’s successes is a very positive message pushing back on the Trump MAGA attack on our country and its values, norms and rule of law. We, as a country, need to do more to ensure equal treatment under the law and educate our citizens about our civics, constitutional rights, and true history, all of which is possible with us voters voting in lawmakers who deal in reality and not in ridiculous lies and antiAmerican commitment to party over country.🇺🇸

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First, just to clarify - the term electorate is used here to mean those who voted, correct? Sometimes it’s used to indicate all those eligible to vote, not just those who voted. More significantly, I have been meaning to highlight to this group the work of Movement Voter Project (www.movement.vote) and this post provides the perfect moment. MVP identifies, vets, supports and collaborates with over 400 grassroots groups in swing states and districts, specifically focussing getting out the vote in communities of young people and communities of color. MVP has worked with many groups you’ve probably heard of (like Black Voters Matter and New Georgia Project, both of which were instrumental in the three very close wins in the 2021 and 2022 Georgia Senate runoffs) and many, many groups you haven’t (like the dozens of groups in WI which helped produce the 55+ win in the recent WI Supreme Court election). All of these groups are doing the hard work on the ground right now connecting with potential voters and building the infrastructure to mobilize POC and young people for massive voter turnout in 2024. I’d be happy to speak about MVP with anyone who is interested. MVP’s mission and work go hand in hand with what we are working towards in this space with you!

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While I certainly agree with this shorthand "Democrats = growth, lower deficits, American progress vs. Republicans = recession, higher deficits, American decline" -- based on research regarding messaging that is affective with BOTH base Dem voters and persuadable voters, a contrast that emphasizes our shared values could be much more effective:

Dems deliver jobs, progress & freedoms

MAGA Repubs bring recessions, decline & fascism

When we only talk about the "economy" in abstract terms, vs in terms of working families and individual opportunities and success, we actually invoke the traditional Republican brand/framing, rather than educating voters on why we are different and better for everyday Americans. Most importantly, clawing back the ground we've ceded to Repubs, must cover not only how Dems are better for Americans' pocketbooks, but also how Dems are better at protecting our shared, core value of "freedom."

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Am I missing something about the Electorate vs. Population charts? Where is the key to the colors? What does it mean, maybe I need more tea. Is there text talking about it somewhere?

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Anyone can put up a poll

Poll: MAGA GOP's Never Vote to Protest False Election Fraud Claims

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Wanna feel good about Joe and the job he’s doing? Read this awesome tweet thread by Simon’s friend and founder of #DeepStateRadio David Rothkopf.....this will hit you like hot cocoa on a cold night 😎😁👍


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