I'm surprised the approval numbers aren't even lower.

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I would encourage people to listen to the Tennessee Holler's leaked audio (from the TN state house leadership). These representatives are furious about the return of the TN3.

Their bigotry, moral blindness, and utterly skewed worldview is beyond shocking.

This will spur everyone to action.

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I hope so as well, but there is such a deluge of news...I'm alerting people myself. Hopefully others will do so as well.

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I listened to the whole thing. It reveals a total lack of self-awareness. Important to be strategic and find a way to use this against them. They can be baited into actions that weaken them and strengthen the opposition.

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Agreed. I've told everyone I can reach about this recording. The more people who hear how GOP state legislators view the world (via their own words), the greater our collective awareness of the dangers.

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What would our slogan be to point to their job disapproval?

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How about "Google 'With Democrats Things Get Better' "

Google has multiple listings for Simon's video, and even articles describing it. It's worth trying to get more people to watch his video. Certainly a real eye opener as to the truth about the political parties in relation to our economy, etc.

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Simon, thank you thank you thank you! I have suspected this was the case but had not seen the WONDERFUL polling numbers. Couldn't have happened to a more deserving group of people, to see Republican approval numbers GO DOWN THE TUBES! Keep up the good work!

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Love it!

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Simon, are you on/planning to be on Substack Notes? I'm only starting to figure it out, but it seems like a good and growing way to get your message out. Maybe you are there--I'm trying to figure it out still.

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Simon, I was just watching today's WDTGB video and was wondering if you can put out a very abbreviated version, no more than 3-5 minutes long, to attempt to get the key points across? Or can the more key slides and your speaking be put into a series of Tweets, or TicTocs, or ?? so we can send them out to our contacts to get this info to more people. So many people today will not watch something 30 minutes long no matter how critical the info is. And some, many?, find economic talk overwhelming. So some way to put out critical points in just 2-3 minutes, something we can post on our Twitter or Facebook pages, or email, may be a way to start waking people up to this information. And there can always be a link to the full 30 min program in each message, for those who want more info or proof.

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Dear Simon - I wonder if what twitter did to NPR, and NPR’s withdrawal from twitter has made you think about leaving Elon. I feel it could be an important statement to have other users leave in solidarity with NPR. I’ve never used Twitter.

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I'd love to see these numbers broken out by age of voters.

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My question is this. Surely they are aware of these numbers. I s there any way they could even possibly turn these numbers around. I seriously doubt it. Just curious.

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Donated $200 to Donna Deegan.

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Know when you have the wind at your back, but keep running.

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