Last night you mentioned focusing on the youth vote in 2024. In addition to Civics Center, which groups do you recommend?

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In NC YouCanVote, I volunteer with them. Thanks

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There's nothing like a hit of hopium to lift the spirits! Thank you, Simon!

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Really appreciate this dose of hope. Just signed up to send postcards to 20 D voters for the upcoming special to replace Santos in the House. Will keep on working and doing what I can for team Biden and Dems.

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There's nothing like ending the year on a high (Hopium) note!

There's so much incredibly good news, as usual, in your update Simon.

And, now there's a super effective way to talk/about frame this information, so it's NOT only numbers/statistics/data. Remember, people understand the world and relate via narratives, most of all narratives where they are centered and have agency.

One of the reasons Repubs get to claim the economic argument, is that the average American sees (albeit mistakenly) Repubs as being more aligned with working class values than Dems, especially with the moral idea of “valuing hard work.” Repubs do this through messaging—certainly not through their actions, which are ALWAYS opposed to working families when it comes to pretty much every policy decision they actually support.

So, as we take all this great information into the world, in conversations, in social media posts, in year-end newsletters to family and friends, in letters to the editors, etc. -- in all the ways we can amplify -- consider the narrative for sharing.

Here's just one example from a focus/survey-tested resource called the "Winning Jobs Narrative" toolkit:

The labor and purchases of working people are the engine of our economy. Biden and the Dems know this and have been building the economy from the middle out, not only to deliver record jobs, but also higher wages and lower costs for prescription drugs and healthcare.

Meanwhile, MAGA Repubs keep pushing failed "trickle down" economics to give tax cuts for their wealthy, well-connected corporate and billionaire donors, so they don't have to pay what they owe, even as they rake in record profits by outsourcing jobs and price-gouging working families at the grocery store checkout and gas pump.

When we elect Dems, government can support small businesses, family farmers and everyday working people by providing the opportunity to succeed and the freedom to thrive by investing in our schools, roads and bridges, and local, high-paying, green industries.

Since Biden was elected his delivered the lowest unemployment in 60 years, creating 14.1m jobs—seven times the number created under the last three GOP Presidents combined(!). And, since Biden's been in office, the wealth of American households has grown 37%. This is what happens when we elect people who share our values and believe our government should be one of, for and by the people—not a Tr*mpian dictatorship bent on taking away our freedoms.


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TY for all you do. You are one of the small # of voices keeping many of us afloat.

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Thank for showing us where we can help. I donated to Suozzi and Keen today as well as monthly donations to NCDP. This needs to be the year we take back NC and all the rest!

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Thanks so much Jenny! NC appreciates it!

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BTW, Tom Suozzi phone banking for NY District 03 special election (Santos’ former seat) starts Saturday December 16th 4pm-6pm: Want to join me for this Tom Suozzi for Congress event?https://mobilize.us/s/sbuYcV

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