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Richard as you wrote about this same issue last week, and are bringing it up again I want to reiterate that I think you creating a straw man. The idea that no one is mentioning struggling families is just false, and I would appreciate you stop repeating it here. It is a gross mischaracterization of how Biden and the Dems talk about the economy as evidenced here - https://www.hopiumchronicles.com/p/the-american-people-who-are-the-heroes - and given that all we hear about in the media and from GOP is about struggle. What we don't hear about is what Dems are doing about it, how successful the President's economic has been. The whole reason we are working to bring down costs, keep the economy going is because we want things to be better for people. Biden talks about struggle in his remarks every time he speaks. What I am trying to do is help create a conversation that is often absent in the media - that yes we are not where we want to be but things are getting better. This is not a difference of opinion - what you continue to write is untrue, and I feel compelled to challenge it.

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023Author

Richard, this is not about divergent views and debate. You have been repeating things about Democrats and Joe Biden which were blatantly false and derogatory and I'm just not going to allow that here. You have become a very active member of this community and you are just going to have to be more careful in your postings.

I am going to write up something more formal and longer for the broader community but as you are new here you may not understand some of our basic tenets (this is all rough, and will become more formal soon):

1) This is a community of action, and doing. It is not a place for people to air out their concerns, worry and anxiety. We are all anxious about our current political moment. What we do here is to talk about how to move forward, fix things, make things better, win elections, win arguments. This not a place to repeat and dwell in negative sentiment.

2) We try at all times to avoid repeating Republican attacks against Democrats here. Main goal of this site is for people to get better at making positive arguments about the country, the President, the Democratic Party and the broader pro-democracy community. That to me is our highest and best use. There is a deficit of positive, pro-Democratic sentiment in our discourse and we need to fix that. No need to spend time on and repeat their attacks against us.

3) We have discussions here. There is no right way, wrong way. Future is uncertain, politics is really hard. We are all doing our best. And we use data as much as possible to back up our arguments. If you have an opinion about something back it up with data and examples. Be rigorous. "DEMOCRATS MUST DO THIS" kind of sentiment is not welcome here.

4) No trolls. I have a long history of battling trolls on social media and know them when I see them. One of the most common tactic of trolls is being overly argumentative and posting frequently so as to waste my and other people's time. Will not tolerate any trollish, bullying or uncivil behavior here.

I am working on something more formal and will post soon. Thank you. S

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Steve Scalise - even taking a bullet a couple years ago wasn't enough to wake him up. Gen. Milley - can't wait to hear what he has to say once his military career is officially over. President Biden's speech should go down is history along side the Gettysburg Address. And please remember, folks, gas prices have been artificially high due to production drawbacks from our favorite neighbors, the Russians and the Saudis. NOT from anything domestic. And Musk - please tell me why anyone other than the hard-core trump-lickers would have anything to do with Rated-X!

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Daniel, just a slight addition to your comment if I may. Gas prices have been higher in part because refineries operate less efficiently when the temperature is really hot. The entire country has experienced significant heat waves; the South has been hammered by heat. Yes, the Russians and Saudis collude to keep prices high. But ironically, it is the climate crisis raising gas prices as well. Talk about rock meeting hard place!!

And General Milley’s; ‘we don’t work for dictators or wannabe dictators’ dripped with utter disdain! Can’t wait to see and hear what he has kept locked up all this time.

Many thanks Simon for great analyses and all the good news.

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You're right, Sheila, and thank you for the addition/correction. I suppose we can fault ALL peoples for where we are re: climate change, but we certainly can't pin it on Democrats or Biden, as Republicans are trying to do.

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I try not to think about the man-child Musk ever. Anyone who would replace the Blue Bird of Happiness with an X deserves to be ignored. Let's just keep focused on crushing MAGA and demonstrating to the world that the autocrats are wrong.

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Spot on Richard! When the cost of bread & milk, potatoes & vegetales require real life decisions on the what grocery money will cover to feed the family, it must be acknowledged. There are economic news items and then there is also the real life struggles of too many families. We must be cognizant of the reality for so many and we others need to be grateful. I am so grateful for Simon’s analysis if these elections when other news sometimes makes one feel MAGA will burn it down. We cannot let that happen

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We are all grateful for the optimistic stats and the progress you give us weekly. Always the question is will the general population recognize the astounding work the Biden administration has accomplished. However, what about the consistent and aggressive work the GOP is doing to work with the state legislatures to continue to gerrymander, confuse state legislature, to stymie and block the norms and rules we have lived with for years. Drop box elimination, arcane and dated rules making the electoral college out wit and defeat the popular vote. How many times has that happened to us. I do hope Mark Elias and Obama's attorney general aren't the only ones working on this. the chaos Bannon invasions and working toward could be our defeat. the popular vote means nothing if the Electoral college wins for Trump, I hear little about this with only the polls and popular vote mentioned,

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Oct 1, 2023·edited Oct 1, 2023

We struggle with democracy here in Georgia. We have voter suppression candidate intimidation and an active klan chapters that keep candidates from running. The supreme court decision to overturn voting rights act hurt us immeasurably— last election the court ruled that the Maps were unconstitutional., But they said it was too close to the election to change the maps so we had to use the unconstitutional Maps anyway.

But I think people fail to understand is, they are at war with us. They will use any means necessary, (see what is going on in Wisconsin with the Supreme Court there.)

And we continue to be weak and not use the power we have to pack the supreme court. It is not against the law to put more justices on the court yet we refused to because it would “look bad“ I’m tired of Democrats being wak-and worrying about appearances. It’s nice to see Joe on the picket line, but that doesn’t change anything. He needs to pack the court and put the law on our side we do not have protections and Georgia against them removing Fani Willis from prosecuting Donald Trump because they use any means necessary and we let it happen. We need to fight back and we don’t

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Simon: let’s not give anymore credence to Mr. X by posting his bs. The less I hear from that jerk the better. There are enough jerks out there already.

BTW, I use your Biden mantra at least once a day and I’ve added a little something to the last line you said at your last webinar, something like “and the grassroots organizations are making the Dem party stronger!”

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Oct 1, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Here is an inspiring description of NCDP party chair and 25 year old hustle & bustle Anderson Clayton daily drive of building NC party infrastructure with youth and rural voters! This young lady pushes me to do more!!!! Hope she inspires y’all too!

Check out this Politico article if you have time & share / donate $ to NCDP if it feels right! Thanks from Simon’s ‘Expansion State’ NC. That has a nice ring to it!



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