Hi Simon, I’m new to your work, and I appreciate the thoughtful approach you take to explaining the political landscape. I am married to an “old conservative” as opposed to radical conservative. We have many discussions about the economy and the policies that impact it. Any charts you can provide on how “Things get Better with Democrats”, like your presentation would be appreciated. As I am not in finance by trade, it is a learning curve. Thanks!

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this has some of the core data, and is updated each month when the jobs report comes out -


Let me know what you think. S

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Some contrarian feedback: Keep doing what you are good at - "My content was designed for more expert audiences..." and leave it to others -- perhaps a future partner, perhaps not -- to make it digestible. There are plenty of glib marketers in the business. We need what you do.

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I am wrestling with this. I can do more, perhaps not get to where some want me to be, but there is more I can do. Will figure it out with all of your help in the coming months.

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I like the both-and approach. Or, what I do in emails: short summary at the top, with a well labeled detailed version below. Maybe you can find somebody who can make sharable memes of your summaries.

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Subscription revenue permitting, I suggest hiring an editor. Someone who can help you plan an editorial calendar, develop your themes, kick around ideas, analyze audience response, and edit your work -- so you CAN focus on what you do best while maximizing the effectiveness of this channel.

As a lay follower, I live for your "getting to 55" type memos, Hispanic vote analysis, etc. During election season, we'll all be refreshing daily for your take on the polls and other data.

But the grab bags of this and that upcoming event or the 57th presentation of "With Dems" gets a little tiresome to be honest. Maybe just pin the latest "With Dems" video to the homepage?

Instead of treating this as a bulletin board or calendar of everything you're up to, I would focus on finding those themes that are most useful to your audience and develop a series of posts that deepen and broaden our understanding of the topic.

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I would like to see no photos of 45. So many of us are truly burned out, exhausted and in panic mode. The front pages of NYTimes and WashPost are so full of news about 45, the freedom caucus etc. it’s too much. More cherry blossoms please 🌸🌸🌸 Maybe photos of historic of memorials such as the FDR Memorial with the Four Freedoms. The challenge of getting to 55 is brilliant. Thank you.

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I agree to a certain extent. This particular photo, however, is important because of what it says about the challenge of AI in the political discourse.

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I agree. AI is really of concern to me.

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Me too. Run-if-the-mill mis- and disinformation are bad enough to counter, but if we don't know the validity or origin of the sources in AI, and whether they are reliable or not, how can we counter the coming arguments written by AI and used by media, writers and politicians? It is very worrisome.

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I agree totally on your idea for a new, comprehensive women and families issues. But maybe not that title. With the disappearance of the gender gap among under 45 Dem voters, I think it should be called an agenda for American families, the topic most married 20 and 30 year olds care most about. ,

Morley Winograd

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Don't reinvent the wheel, check out Axios' "Smart Brevity". They have nailed how to write so people will read every word.

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Go Hopium Chronicles!

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The constant photos of trump continue to be a drain on people. I ask that if a point can be made without a photo please do so. Often the photos of trump just hang around an article on him and add nothing.

On a larger scale the sooner his incessant use of his image and name fade from our national discourse the better. Treating him as a significant threat to Democracy is a must with every mention of his name as well as the fact that he is a twice impeached, defeated one term former President who tried to overturn free and fair elections in the USA. We can never let it be forgotten that he ignored COVID and thousands of Americans died.

I leave it to better writers than myself to craft a byline that accompanies every single mention of him.

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You created the byline: "a twice impeached, defeated, one-term former President who tried to overturn free and fair elections in the USA"

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Somebody PLEASE! Photoshop Trump's pic with the tip of a dragon's tail peaking out of his pantleg!

Or a 666 just showing under his hair or collar! This has so much potential! Horsey, where are you?

There is nothing a bully/liar hates more than ridicule!

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Thanks for all the good thoughts and good work. Request: How about a networking/strategy session on becoming info warriors? Seems like there are a lot of parallel/overlapping efforts that could use coordination and sharing of best practices. FYI I'm leading an out of state (Boston) group working to elect Democrats and Progressives in Pennsylvania, with info warrioring (new verb) part of the strategy. How out of state groups can help in Swing States would be a hot topic for me. Onwards.

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Bob I am talking to grassroots groups most weeks. Check out the schedule here - https://simonwdc.substack.com/p/upcoming-events-new-discussions-and

Let me think about doing a more tactical training. It's an interesting idea.

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Thanks for fast reply. Was thinking about not only messaging training and how these groups could work together to reduce burnout while speeding and broadening the distribution of on-point content. For example, we're asking our Pennsylvania partners if they'd like us to be a "remote newsroom" gathering and sharing success stories, successful messaging, etc. among local groups and from national partners.

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The Meidas Touch Network may provide some examples. They have longer livestreams but do a series of short (10-15 min) single issue spots throughout the day. You might want to post some excerpts from the hour long videos.

Otherwise- for 2 weeks in, you are doing well!

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Marlene, we do have a series of "short take" videos on the site and my YouTube channel. On the site go to the home page and go to the lower right. We are starting to experiment with the form. Take a look and let me know what you think.

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Below is a great writing resource. It is a way to make complex or technical information understandable to the general public and lay people.


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I agree that we need to get louder than the Magas with our messaging. The problem is that they have a propaganda machine with FOX, and MSM which are owned by wealthy Republicans that cover stories that lean right. We all need to get involved in amplifying Ds messaging while combating Magas disinformation. https://Demcast.com to which I belong effectively amplifies Dems messaging. These are some organizations that have terrific messaging guidelines: We Make The Future https://www.wemakethefuture.us/; The Research Collaborative https://researchcollaborative.org/; ASO--Anat Shenker-Osorio https://www.asocommunications.com/messaging-guides. Basically we evoke voters’ emotions by starting out the message with a value, then naming the villain, then stating a call to action (vision). For example, women should have the right to make their own decisions when to start a family (value). But Maga Rs have enacted laws to take away women’s freedom to decide all for power and control (villain). We need to elect Dems because they will pass laws that will support and protect women’s freedom (vision).

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"MAGA GOP MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL"

🟧 Mock MAGA GOP Plans for America


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I like the charts on https://simonwdc.substack.com/p/nyt-another-stronger-than-expected. It would be nice to be able to extract an individual slide (such as the Net Job Creation slide)... for posting on social media. I understand that you've been targeting a different audience, and it's an important audience! I think contacting or collaborating with Demcast or Field Team 6 organizations is a good idea. I've posted a lot of Demcast twitter & instagram resources, as well as those created by Field Team 6 and the DNC. I think they would love to collaborate. The social media individual posts will encourage people to view your Substack presentations and they'll get more into the detail. I believe your Substack audience will grow over time. Congratulations on a great beginning!

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Simon, regarding your "new agenda for women and families", mentioned in this morning's Hopium Chronicles submission: Are you familiar with GALVANIZE? If you are not, check them out. Jackie Payne is the founder of this very very compelling organization. I think her/their work would overlap with this new effort is yours, as she does focus groups with--and then VERY effective advertising for-- moderate women in purple areas who are maybe not savvy or well read, and who sometimes defer to the views (and votes) of their spouses and their communities. Her work has swung the needle by amazing amounts over the past 5 years. She is amazing. You should know her! https://www.galvanizeusa.org/about/mission-vision/

If you want access directly to her, email me and I'll give you an email address for her. I'm at susan@closetcurator.com

Keep up the good work!

Susan Singer

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Also Red, Wine and Blue started by Katie Paris. Their initial focus was suburban moms, but I'm neither and like what they provide.

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So glad you led with AI. It is not something I’m hearing discussed in the circles I am in. The potential of the visual disinformation (photos video) that the extremist right will be able to produce is disturbing. Love the sketchpad concept of the post.

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