Check this infographic for Trump's appeal to evangelicals.

"Orange Jesus And His Twelve Disciples Are A Danger To Women"


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Wow, Deepak. Those are some hostile-looking disciples and some nasty-looking perps. This bunch has got to go. Love your cartoons--especially the barbed wire halo. Let's just tank the ratings of The Abominable Showman and his band of nasty old salivating men.

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We mapped the impact of Trump packing the Supreme Court on the extreme weather America is having. "Snowed in? Thank The MAGA Packed Supreme Court That Crippled The EPA In Its Fight Against Climate Change"


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Check what would happen if Trump were to rollback Obamacare with this map which shows the number of people benefitting from ACA by county. "ENROLL in ACA by Jan 16, 2024 & Vote To Protect Your Affordable Healthcare"


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Yes, Biden is old, 'but your guy is a criminal, a rapist, a madman and a wanna be dictator'. AND OLD.

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Biden is Experienced.

Trumputin is Extreme.

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Came here to say this! ALSO OLD.

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Love this. It gives me great hope that our facts are so much stronger.

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This Post from Dan Pfeiffer on Message Box dovetails very well with what Simon is saying:


I especially liked the pie chart under section 2 (Signs of General Election Weakness) and this quote under section 3(Low Turnout):

"Trump is known for cult-like loyalty from his supporters, the ability to generate tremendous enthusiasm among the GOP base, and to bring new Republicans into the political process. None of those were on display last night. Either there is diminished enthusiasm for Trump among all but the most die-hard MAGA voters or Trump’s campaign organization could not get his voters to the polls. Neither is a particularly encouraging sign for Trump supporters."

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Attended a NY for Biden Harris Zoom last night in support of Tom Suozzi. They had breakout sessions on how you could volunteer. I attended the Postcard breakout and found out that the Suozzi campaign in conjunction with Markers for Democracy (a NYC postcarding group) will be hosting postcarding parties on the next three Sundays from 4 - 5 pm EST. You can sign up on Mobilize here:


I gather each week they will have a different guest speaker.

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Yes, I spoke at the very first one! It's a good program. Thanks for surfacing it! S

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Thanks for the info, Cheryl! I've been writing PCs for Suozzi over the last week, so I signed up for the event this Sunday :-)

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See you there!

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The Mueller Report p500

"Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election.. through two operations. First.. a social media campaign that favored presidential candidate Donald J. Trump.. Second.. intrusion operations against.. Clinton.. and then released stolen documents."

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Now if the MSM would step up to this rational and motivating view, rather than breathlessly reporting TFFG's remarkable "win" and surety going forward. Sheesh.

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Great job on Molly Jong's Fast Politics yesterday Simon!

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I would add to the last bullet point on your R myths v Facts - yes, our guy is old and so is yours (77 is not young), plus a criminal, a rapist, a madman, and a wannabe dictator.

Great succinct comparison list

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The media is overplaying the percentage by which Trump won, and underplaying the low turnout, his low number of raw votes, and how many Iowa Republicans stayed home. Media malpractice in service of the horse-race narrative, not unexpected but not good either.

The cold was no explanation for the low turnout -- as someone who grew up just over the Iowa-South Dakota state line and spent many a winter Sunday visiting relatives in various small towns in northwest Iowa, 30 below is just -- winter. It doesn't stop you from doing anything that's really important, or that you really want to do. And that fact that most Iowa Republicans didn't caucus for Trump -- Trump's vote was only 10K more than his 2016 vote, 76K fewer Republicans caucused than in 2016, and Trump's vote was only around 7.5% of Iowa Republicans -- speaks to an interest and enthusiasm problem and not a weather issue.

Each Republican vote that lacks enthusiasm and stays home is a plus for democracy; each one that votes Democratic is effectively two votes for the pro-democracy side. We cannot let up on the gas at all -- but I must say i am more optimistic today than I was before the caucuses.

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Jan 17, 2024
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I and my cousins in various places, for example LeMars (home of classic winter treat Wells Blue Bunny ice cream), would beg to differ. If it’s important enough, low temperatures will not stop Iowans in winter - e.g. the high on the day of my mom’s funeral was 3 below, and the ground was too frozen to bury her, yet her octogenarian first cousin from LeMars drove 80 miles to Sioux Falls (and stopped and picked up relatives in Rock Valley along the way) for the service and coffee hour. If it’s important enough, Iowans will do it despite the cold. Trump clearly wasn’t important enough.

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Agree with you 150% (see what I did there? ;-) about the media grossly exaggerating the Trumputin vote in Iowa. When you have low actual numbers, always use %. I, too, am an Iowan by birth. You so cleverly stated the obvious. Cold weather never stopped Iowans from doing whatever they wanted. They factor in bad weather and vanquish it as a badge of honor.

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Thanks for lifting my spirits today with this post. This morning, AJC sent out a post of Trump leads Biden in Georgia with a solid 45% to 37% lead. I don't believe it for a minute. Georgia has 2 Democratic Senators. The State chose Biden in 2020, why would they choose Trump this time around? They won't. Glad I cancelled my AJC subscription.

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Likely voters? If not, toss.

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No, it said registered voters. I don't have any faith in this poll. I Here is what happened in November when AJC polled Biden & Trump using likely voters. "The AJC’s November poll on the presidential race and national issues showed Trump and Biden essentially tied, with Trump at 45% and Biden at 44%. That poll, however, was of voters who had a history of voting and said they intend to vote in November. It would not have captured Georgians who said they won’t vote this year." Tight race and I will volunteer to help Biden in North Georgia & Southeast Tennessee.

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Just got off a phone bank for Tom Keen (have to go back to work) - per their volunteer hub as of 12:40 they are behind the GOP by 19 votes based on voter's registered party. The phone bank goes until 6:30 EST, uses an auto-dialer and is super easy calls to Democrat frequent voters! Please help if you can!

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Just hopped on now Behind 200 + ( per registered party)

Yes,please help! 📲


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I think most Republicans who say they won’t vote for Trump will come home to him, but we only need a fraction of them to follow through with their threat to win big in Nov.

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“They are content to leave pregnant women to die in a hospital.” The 2024 campaign has a huge opportunity to complete painting the picture of exactly what often happens when a pregnant woman dies from being refused treatment that would save her life. Majority of these women already have toddlers, school-age children. THEY BECOME ORPHANS when mother dies. Majority don’t have fathers and other relatives who can shore up their lives.

As a campaign opportunity this is low-hanging fruit with endless data, photos, personal details.

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