find Mark Cuban’s tweet about responding to social media responses is the Gen Z equivalent, to kissing babies and shaking hands.

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What strikes me is how much potential there is for improvement in Biden’s approval numbers and at the same time how close to his ceiling of support Trump is already at. If we do the information work and follow it up with strong fundraising and GOTV efforts, much is possible my friends. It’s a good time to be an American.....and to be part of making history for the better 🇺🇸❤️

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Steve, when u have time listen to this. I think you would appreciate it like I have. https://youtu.be/3eBN_9rMoVI?si=S5CQky9am2uzK-H2

Hope u r good!

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Sorry, it wasn’t a tweet it was a thread. Mark Cuban’s thread.

“ In the social media age ,competing with money means posting a ton on social media and responding to every single comment and reply.

Especially for local elections. Get out and shake hands and also realize that replying to a comment is the new “kissing babies” for Gen Z and younger millennials“

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I forwarded Judd (Popular Information) post to you just now, Simon. It explains beautifully the difference between reality and perception in Dem performance. Well worth digesting.Something we must all deal with in getting the word out to voters, and something the Dems must address.

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Great! I was going to do this as well.

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Here is Farron Cousin’s on his other YT channel Ring of Fire quoting you again on a different video. Yay Simon!

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I am a Democratic PC in Cave Creek AZ on the outskirts of Phoenix. Our grassroots group Black Mountain Dems and Friends would like to feature your work the morning of January 20th 2024 and wonder if you could be available on Zoom to speak to our audience. The meeting is at 10:30 am Mountain Standard Time. Please let me know if you would be available

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Yes I can do it. Reply to the next email and it will get to me. Send me details. Thank you. S

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Our meeting of the Black Mountain Dems and Friends on January 20th will be at 10:30 am Mountain Time . It is a hybrid meeting with in-person participants and people on Zoom. The meeting lasts an hour and we can give you as much of that time as you need. We would like information from your presentation on Things Get Better With Democrats and any information on Getting to 55. Any AZ statistics would be appreciated. Our member who handles the Zoom is Cindy Cummens at cindycavecreek@aol.com. Please contact her to make arrangements as to how to get on. You can find out more about our group at blackmountaindems.com. Thank you for being willing to speak to us. It will be a great start for

an election year. For our newsletter, please send me a picture and a brief bio.

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Are you still available to meet over Zoom with us on January 20th? We want to publicize the meeting so I need to know before January 1. Also, how do we get you the Zoom link for the meeting?

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Yes, I can do it, and will email Cindy now. Thank you for the opportunity. Best, S

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Cindy has not received your email. Please send it again or let me know if there is a problem.

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We are beginning to publicize your meeting with us and need to know how to connect with you for the presentation. Please contact me at annalarnold1@gmail.com. Cindy has not heard from you. Should we share our Zoom link with you or will you send us a link? Please let me know if you receive this message.

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This is Brian Klauss on the Big Think. This is mindbending masterclass on understanding our buried biases of our decisions about people and Power. Why Maga? Why racism? Why Putin? Why narcissist HOA president pestering you about your lawn?

This long but worth it enlightenment helps makes some sense of our own choices, and other’s and helps explain why most feel those in power/ politics are so awful. While giving advice on how we can modify our input for better outcomes for society at large (elections, employment, education, etc). Simon, urge you to listen, I bet you would appreciate it and maybe it will give nuggets you could find helpful..... even for your book!

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Thank you. I will confer with our planning group and get back to you soon.

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