
Love the wildflower garden. We have one as well. Our peak weekend is usually end of July.

What do you think of launching a postcard campaign to get the economic data out to Independents? or other voter categories?

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Postcards with deficit chart on front and Vote maybe?

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Great idea, however you are presuming most people know what a deficit is and why it is good if it goes down vs up.

I am all for postcards as I write alot of them for various elections. We have to work carefully on the wording, or as you suggested, giving just one or two facts, explained, and not overloading readers with too much info.

Also have to determine where to get names and addresses to mail to, and which states to send them to.

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You're right. It needs planning.

I get emails from 2-3 sources seeking

postcard writers, closer to elections.

I think the deficit chart works with the

,"with dems we do better " because of

The easy visual of blue above line red below.

But I'm always ready to follow expertise.

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I think the chart part is too much for a postcard or social media. If we stick with % of deficit increase versus decrease for Republicans versus Democrats, that would be simpler to use but still powerful.

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That’s an interesting idea. Although I feel like our work this year should be more about getting DEMOCRATS to all understand how well we’re doing so we can work with a confident united front next year to win indies and other persuadables.....I’m convinced a significant share of our own tent is unaware of the historic progress we’ve made

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This is a very smart comment, and part of what I am trying to here at Hopium. Missed you Steve!

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Agree…so just how do we get people to understand how well we’re doing ?

I get the point on the data, but somehow it needs to be reduced to a more cellular level, if that makes any sense..

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I don't know about postcards with data. It's something we should explore and discuss but might be beyond the scope of the medium. But are you thinking of something like:

Joe Biden has been a good President

- 13m new jobs

- lowest unemployment rate in 54 years

- best economic recovery of any advanced nation

- deficit way down

Campaign could provide guidance as they've tested all this stuff.

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Exactly.A narrative with bullet points. Postcards are a great megaphone. Excellent way to be information warriors.

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Let's keep airing it out. Not that experienced in the postcard arena, but it is something worth discussing more broadly, perhaps testing a bit.

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Just offer a few key Data points--but the figures are so powerful when put into context, e.g. deficit down vs. up under Trump, jobs up 50 million vs. republicans 2 million. Short messages that are easy to repeat and remember. Inflation down 50% vs. last year.

Four hugely important bills passed, a quick sentence on each.

Insulin caps, Medicare drug negotiations.

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I'd love to hand out bumper stickers With Dems, Things Get Better!

Thanks for deficit chart! Forwarded!!!

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and a link to the video so people can watch it!

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Tickseed and echinacea and color abounding. Love the “light Sunday fare!!”

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I'll email

you. We are experts.

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I know!

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Loving that there is the additional sources for the With Dems info.

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Am I understanding right that you are considering having a separate, targeted discussion about how to address the counter arguments to Dems economic accomplishments? If so thank you and I’m looking forward to it!

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Also, anyone have thoughts on how to get those who identify as progressives to recognize and acknowledge the progress? I follow some online who are loud saying Biden was weak on the debt ceiling, that he let them defund the IRS because on the economy “he is a Republican”, etc.

Now that’s concerning to me because it sounds a lot like RINO, but also how do I help people to see the progress like that even with a 20% cut they still have tens of billions more to audit wealthy tax cheats that they wouldn’t without Biden and the Democrats last Congress. I don’t like the economy was used as a bargaining chip, I’m not sure about the pipeline, and I dislike unhelpful barriers to nutrition programs, but it seems like we protected a lot of key legislation that mattered and overall gained for people.

Sorry, I started to ramble, but I just don’t know how to frame it.

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