Nice Biden vid! Looking forward to seeing it here in NC. Here is our AG and Dem Gov (elect hopefully) Josh Stein in MSNBC, explaining NC’s ‘state of democracy’. Check it out and if you feel like supporting his run or sharing it here is the link. Thanks family!

NC AG and Dem Gov Candidate Josh Stein on Aymen on MSNBC



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So far I’m impressed with Josh Stein....do you know if any of the R State Supreme Court Justices will be up for reelection or term limited next year? Because it appears we won’t have great options other than state wide offices until we flip the court

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Love ur comments Steve, thanks. Ummm I don’t know but i know 2 R’s were the newest and heard the gerrymandering reopening. So frustrating too with the D Rep in Mecklenburg flip’d R 2 months ago and made the super majority. I mean we are looking at cycles worth of repair. I really would like law enforcement to come out strong and support Stein. Medical professionals too, teachers, all unions EARLY, so that can push and feed his campaign. I am trying to figure out if voter groups will need to concentrate on certain red districts (after the new likely heavily gerrymandered maps are drawn this summer), to assure D’s the best possible outcome in 2024. I am a newbie to all this, but I am learning every day. I follow Common Cause NC too and Down Home NC.

Like you said the other day, I am trying to shut off the noise and just keep plugging away as my life permits, lol. It is great to make connections like this and local groups.

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We can only do what we can do, right? The main thing I’m not interested in listening to anymore are people who focus so much on how terrified we should be that they forget to remind people that it’s all fixable. If you’re not interested in solutions to the problems, I’m not wasting my time hearing you out. 😉👍

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I agree. Appreciate you!

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May 16, 2023·edited May 16, 2023

I just looked it up.....the court situation kind of sucks right now....you have each of the 2 Dems up in 24 & 26 respectively, and you're kind of stuck with this R majority until at least 2028 when 3 of them are up for reelection, and the other 2 come up in 2030. However.....while they will certainly wreak some havoc and make it pretty difficult to flip the legislature anytime soon, I think there is still great opportunity to flip the state in general blue. The demographics are ripe, the Republican extremism is out of step with the center of political gravity......so, new goal in the short and medium term......win ALL the statewide offices for both State and Federal representation (Gov, Lt. Gov, US Senate Seats, Attorney General, Secretary of State), successfully defend both D Supreme Court Seats in 24 & 26, make as many gains as possible into both chambers of the legislature (especially the State Senate to gain filibuster capacity) to protect the governor's veto power, and deliver electoral votes in 24 AND 28 to the Democratic Nominee.....we do that, we'll be ripe to make inroads in the Supreme Court come 2028....it's a long haul project like Wisconsin, but OMG will it be worth it to succeed

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Wow Awesome info Steve!!!!!! I am going to paste it on a mirror, to be a mantra! Thanks ever so much. What state are u in?

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Gosh Wow Steve, I am Bridget btw. You seem so in tune (pun intended) Lol to the way WE can work as a nation of pro-democracy voters to affect overall good governance. Like mind-blowing! Similar to what I found in Simon. Really looking at the BIGGER picture and I like it. It is seriously higher ground perspective u know!!!

So incredible how some can get lost in conventional 24/7media doom spirals. Or most people like me just don’t UNDERSTAND how civics can be like chess match if we play it for the good of all and stay active all year long, local, state, national.

What other Substacks or subs on other platforms do u follow that help you keep your vision? I like Jess Craven’s CWCW to do lists. She is also on an event next week for NC with Jamie Raskin headlining. I am planning on watching.

I really like where you are coming from Steve. I want to get to that level of appreciation and understanding. Thanks so much for sharing info with me.

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Sorry I didn’t see this sooner Bridget.... I appreciate the kind words. Truthfully by many people’s standards I’m not that well informed, but I limit my information intake to a few places that I trust are telling the truth but who focus on what can be done to solve or at least improve upon the challenges they are reporting about. I find that an endless cycle of “Things are bad, they’re getting worse, and they aren’t likely to get better” just really serves no productive purpose. I follow Simon of course here and on Twitter, I think Daily Kos does a good job of reporting and contextualizing what’s going on, but I’m selective about which stories I go deep with there because they are certainly capable of getting into counterproductive doom loops as well. I think Lawrence O’Donnell has one of the most grounded perspectives of anyone on TV. I listen to the two Daily Kos podcasts (The Brief & The Down Ballot).... very action & solution oriented. And then I browse various people on Twitter to get a feel for what’s happening....but I have a strict rule: if I start to get anxiety, I shift my attention elsewhere until I have regained my perspective because there are a LOT of people who make their living by trying to scare the shit out of readers/viewers/listeners...and frankly I don’t need a reminder every 14 seconds that MAGA is dangerous...I’m well aware and I’m taking every opportunity to DO something about it....and in my free time from that I want to feel happy and hopeful 🤷‍♂️😁.

Btw, here’s a great article about the fastest road back to a majority on the NC State Supreme Court, which is ABSOLUTELY essential in clawing the state politics out of the MAGA death grip. Worth a read! 👍👍


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Thanks Steve. Going to read this article. Reply to me anytime with things that will guide me on my journey. Really appreciate it.

I like Laurence too. And I will check Kos out too. I certainly haven’t found that sweet spot yet. I will get there. Where I know most of my energy is productive. I feel I am still too distracted by the latest drama d’jour. But I will get there. Listened to a zoom tonight with Anderson Clayton and 420 attendees and she was so pleased with that attendance and seems to want to get behind candidates for all NC races. She sounds quite encouraging. So tonight that will help me sleep. (-: Also Jess posted Randy Rainbow’s latest vid. He is so talented.


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Simon,Did you mean to say uninsured?

….an American economy that in recent months has seen its lowest peacetime unemployment rate since WWII and its lowest poverty and insured rates in our history…

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Presidents usually get too much blame or too much credit for the economy. The long-term effects of the burdens of debt are usually left by Republican presidents for Democratic administration to deal with. Democrats leave surpluses for Republicans to throw to the tax-cut winds. Biden's policies and their targeted stimulus effects however are already having an impact. Let's see that this administration gets the credit it is due, and its just reward in the 2024 elections.

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