Democracy is the core value of this community. The death of Navalny, if true as reported, is an outrage to the spirit and practice of democracy. Putin's greatest fear is of hundreds of thousands of people in the street in protest. I am hoping there will be millions of people around the world in the streets peacefully but fervently expressing their outrage at Putin's desperate attempt to strangle the spirit of democracy.
When I hold court in the mall each morning on my walks, I preach that Democracy is on the line...picked up a new Biden voter today. Working on the security guard...87 years old thinks Biden has dementia but is also a war criminal. It's gonna take a little work....we got his vote last time. We'll get it again. You may think, it's NJ why does it matter? It' still important IMO to run up the score and beat these MAGA idiots decisively. After we all we have a goober race the following year and we want to continue the good work Murphy has done; any R will undo all the progress, hand huge tax cuts away, cut school aid, and cut public worker pensions and benefits, and will try to do what they can to harm NJ pensioners. I'm trying to get an indie I converted to a Biden voter today to register as a Dem, so he can have more voice in the primaries, and be a solid vote for Senate and governor. Dude is 65 and never registered, retired postal worker. We gotta change that.
I was on a postcard-writing Zoom this morning and Navalny came up in the discussion. Someone dropped a link to this article in Vanity Fair about his wife - now widow.
The courage of the Navalny family is is truly awesome. We all need to honor their sacrifice with focused and committed activism in support of democracy everywhere in the world--at home in the U.S., in support of Ukraine, and everywhere authoritarians are threatening democratic institutions and the rule of law.
Happy Friday, y'all! I loved seeing everyone from all across the country at the gathering last night - and so fun for Suozzi to stop by! I went and re-read the four freedoms speech this morning and it filled me. Have a wonderful long weekend, my friends.
In Simon's meeting last night he referenced this speech as a powerful foundational piece for him. He addresses it on the video about 22 minutes into the meeting.
Thank y'all. I actually remember studying it, but hadn't read it in many years. Very powerful - a perfect centering for this moment -
OUR NEXT BIG PUSH = SUPPORT KAMALA HARRIS! I just sent this message to WNYC host Brian Lehrer: Re your segment yesterday One of your callers yesterday hit on the core problem but neither you nor your guest acknowledged it. There is a plan in place. Kamala Harris is our sitting Vice President, so should anything happen to President Biden in his 2nd term, she will be there to step up (just as Harry Truman stepped up--marvelously--when FDR died in office & just as Lyndon Johnson stepped up--heroically--when JFK was assassinated). The problem? Her polls are low BECAUSE SHE GETS NO COVERAGE. Your caller said that. He said ~ "I don't know enough about her." I suggest you book Maria Hinojosa IMMEDIATELY. She did a wonderful interview with Kamala Harris a few months back on Latino USA. Check it out. You'll see! #LatinoUSA #MariaHinojosa #KamalaHarris #BidenHarris2024 #SheThePeople #SuperMajority
Lehrer is a nice guy...too nice and too bothsidesy IMO. Lopate was more aggressive and the show that replaced him at noon is the ultimate show about nothing...."All of It" I'm having ...."None of it." If you are looking for any solace at any NPR affiliate, you are going to be really disappointed. I'm surprised they didn't interview some "lifelong Democrat" who just couldn't vote for Biden.....but I guess the diner was closed? NPR can come out to the mall in CNJ 30 mins away and find lots of people, even ones who don't like Biden, who say they will vote for him. These are mostly White seniors, by the way. I'll be happy to introduce them.....
Maria Hinojosa and Latino USA producer Reynaldo Leaños Jr. join Vice President Kamala Harris aboard Air Force Two as the vice president makes her way to Miami, Florida, as part of her “Fight For Our Freedoms” college tour. Later, Maria sits down with Vice President Harris for a one-on-one interview where they discuss young Latino voters’ participation, reproductive rights, immigration, and more.
4:30 PM UPDATE: I'm seeing messages below about Ezra Klein's new "pile-on" podcast. It's in my feed, but I haven't listened to it yet... That said, I absolutely agree with Jon Bierman below who says: "Good luck finding consensus on an alternative candidate if it ever came to that - what a complete s**t-show that would be." Friends, I not only remember 1968, I lived thru it! It was a disaster!! Please, please, let's not start inventing Thought Experiments at this late date with so much at stake. #BidenHarris2024 is my team & I will do everything in my power to spread the word.
8 AM UPDATE: Kudos to Heather Cox Richardson for opening her 2/16 column with quotes from Kamala Harris. Please read HRC's full column & ask yourselves if you really want to throw the Biden/Harris Team in the garbage in favor of an "Open" DNCC Convention in August? Meanwhile, these are the words of Kamala Harris who is now representing the USA in Europe: "[Upholding international rules and democratic values] makes America strong, and it keeps Americans safe... [Isolating ourselves and embracing dictators while we] abandon commitments to our allies in favor of unilateral action' is dangerous, destabilizing, and indeed short-sighted... That view would weaken America and would undermine global stability and undermine global prosperity... I will make clear President Joe Biden and I stand with Ukraine. In partnership with supportive, bipartisan majorities in both houses of the United States Congress, we will work to secure critical weapons and resources that Ukraine so badly needs... [If we fail to impose severe consequences on Russia' for its invasion of Ukraine] other authoritarians across the globe would be emboldened, because you see, they will be watching…and drawing lessons. In these unsettled times, it is clear America cannot retreat. America must stand strong for democracy. We must stand in defense of international rules and norms, and we must stand with our allies. The American people will meet this moment and America will continue to lead.”
Simon, thank you for a very informative and most inspiring Hopium gathering last night! You truly are generating the community enthusiasm and momentum to "Get to 55"!
Wow. Loved hearing from the Congressman elect. His words made me feel good and proud. I can't fight for freedom on the battlefields of Europe like my dad did, but I can do my part today on the home front. God bless America and our allies. We will fight together---from our living rooms, backyards, and halls of goverment----for the freedoms and rights we hold dear.
HI Elizabeth, both my parents were WWII vets- my dad was in the army and also fighting in Europe. My mom was in the Marines and stationed at the Pentagon. Growing up I would mention that she had been a Marine and I would get the most skeptical looks from my friends - she looked nothing like those Marine recruiting posters of the 60s and 70s, lol.
With regards to Navalny’s death, Putin also fears the (other) oligarchs turning their backs to him because their interests no longer coincide.
I believe we are seeing something similar here in the US. There is a split in the community of plutocrats and mega-corporations. Increasingly, they are realizing that their interests will NOT be well served by the re-election of Trump, and the chaos and uncertainty he inevitably brings.
Which poses an important question: What can we ask democratically-minded billionaires and financial stakeholders to contribute to the re-election of President Biden, and to a Blue Tsunami (55%+)? While we obviously have very different policy interests, some of these are definitely potential allies in our fight to preserve American democracy!
Elsewhere I have mentioned my pipe dream of having sympathetic billionaires (or union funds?) buy up the likes of Sinclair Broadcast and transform them into real news media.
This would help augment grassroots efforts, because a major challenge of 2024 is simply reaching out with our fact-based narrative, and making sure it is heard and seen by voters. Today’s MSM and infotainment news media are often frustrating obstacles – but nonetheless, only to a varying degree are people irrevocably trapped inside a right-wing / non-factual news bubble.
You might want to check out this week's episode of Politics Girl where she interviews Tara McGowan, founder and publisher of Courier News. I think she's been on one of Simon's early Zooms that he rebroadcast not too long ago.
Thanks for the tip! Leigh McGowan (PoliticsGirl) is excellent, although I watch her videos infrequently. Another favorite of mine is Brian Tyler Cohen.
I dont know if any of you have listened to Ezra Klein's latest podcast this morning but it is 27 minutes long and I highly recommend it. He presents arguments for why we need to consider having Biden step down and letting a younger more energetic candidate be selected at the Dem Convention in August. He makes the point that Biden has been an outstanding president in what he has accomplished - and continues to do an excellent job. As Simon says Biden is a good president and he is. But Ezra says there is a big difference in being a president and campaigning for president. He points out that Biden's poll numbers (and i know we should be wary of polls) but Biden's numbers have been SO consistent even when we get really good news about the economy - there is no bump up.. And to be an effective campaigner you need energy - you need to be quick on your feet - you need to be flexible. A more dynamic younger candidate could capture the imagination of young people and on- the- fence- voters in a way that Biden can't. And we used to elect our candidates at the Dem Convention every season so it isn't unprecedented. Biden has put together an amazing team - that team will still be effective but under a different leader. One more thing - the Dems changing course by having Biden step down also demonstrates our flexibility and responsiveness to change that is in such stark contrast to the GOP where it's all about Trump Trump Trump. Check out the podcast - Ezra can lay out the arguments far better than I can. I love Joe Biden and he is a fantastic president but there's so much at stake and a younger candidate (and there are many options of good potential candidates) might be what we need to consider right now.
ABOUT THIS: "Rather than exiting a beloved elder statesman proud of a successful first term, it seems it was more important to him to hold on to power than doing what was best for the country." OMG :-( Remember when Nancy Pelosi said she would step down after the 2016 election... but then she didn't...? She didn't because Hillary Clinton wasn't POTUS (which is what Nancy & [almost] everyone else had expected). But Nancy was already mentoring Hakeem Jefferies & as soon as the Speaker's Gavel was secure in 2022, Nancy did step down & Hakeem did step up & Hakeem is doing great! Promises Made & Promises Kept. Same thing now. Joe Biden promised that if he won in 2020, he would be a one term POTUS. But that was when he & [almost] everyone else expected that if Trump lost, the Republicans would move on. Well, Trump did lose, but MAGA bullies haven't moved on & now Trump is running again... So now Joe is running again too. But, like Nancy, Joe is already mentoring new generations (beginning with our Vice President Kamala Harris & their superlative Cabinet members). So WE must stay united! There is no "magic candidate" who will suddenly create "consensus" IN AUGUST. Our tent is too big. As my grandmother used to say: "A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush." Right now, I'm praying that we all hold on to "the bird" in our hand!
If you want to really know about politics, Ezra and the NYT ain't the best sources. Try Rick WIlson's Enemies' List, Joe Truppi, The Bulwark, Fast Politics, or Politicon. People like Meidas Touch but I find them kinda light on analysis; I mean I can compile audio of things myself....
I listened to the same podcast. What I heard Ezra say is he perceives Biden vs Trump still is risky. He bases a lot of that risk interpretation on polling. He then wants to mitigate that risk by having Biden step down and Dems select their Presidential and VP candidates at the summer convention. That seems highly risky!! So, his idea doesn’t make much sense to me.
In the interests of keeping this forum civil as Simon requests I won't say what I really think of Ezra Klein's suggestion. So I will simply agree it's "highly risky".
The GOP is in disarray they have tied themselves to an Authoritarian narcissist with 91 felony counts and the impulse control of a 2 year old who may very well may be a convicted felon by the time the election rolls around. Oh and polling shows that if he is convicted about 1/3 of his supporters wouldn't vote for him.
And people think that this is a good time to throw the Democratic party into disarray and choose a new presidential candidate just because Biden is old and/or has a low approval rate in polls? IMO that would be playing right into the GOP's hands.
I agree with Jan, there is a succession plan in place should Biden become incapacitated and it would be Kamala Harris. To suggest that we need to start over from scratch is a slap in the face to one of Biden's strongest constituencies - African American women.
Not to mention that a fair number of Never Trumpers voted for Biden in 2020 in part because they feel comfortable with him, gaffes and all, from his many years in politics. If you pick someone younger and more progressive you likely lose the vote of anyone right of center.
While if we stick with Biden a fair number of people who don't spprove of him because he's too old or isn't isn't progressive enough will vote for him anyway because he wants to protect a a woman's right to reproductive freedom, pass sensible gun reform and fight climate change.
We don't need to start over, we need to be more effective in our messaging and get effective surrogates like Simon out in front of the media. Maybe we can clone Simon?
I vehemently disagree with Ezra Klein and wish he (and far too many other media pundits) would use their voices to build up President Biden rather than to continually sow doubts and weaken him in the process. BTW if we're talking polls, Emerson released a poll today showing Biden performs better against Trump than Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, or Gretchen Whitmer. And good luck finding consensus on an alternative candidate if it ever came to that - what a complete s**t-show that would be.
These pundits and pollsters relentlessly focus on age while ignoring the reality that Biden's experience and judgment has helped make him "one of the most successful Presidents in modern American history," as AOC recently said. They also ignore the overwhelming strength Biden has with 2024 Democratic primary voters. He won 96% of the vote in SC, 89% in NV, and beat his challengers by over 40% in NH where his name wasn't even on the ballot! Let's take advantage of the power of the incumbency and the extraordinary, under-appreciated strength of Biden's abundant historic legislative and economic successes!
Sure, in a perfect world President Biden would suddenly be 25 years younger (but still have all his wisdom and experience), he wouldn’t stutter, and never commit a gaffe.
Meanwhile, we are "cursed" with one of the best presidents in my lifetime – someone who is a hundred times the human being and candidate that Agent Orange is.
Together, let’s win this election – lest it be the very last American election.
The press is going full on with this, The Atlantic is on board as well, Salon IIRC has done this, and now Ezra. There will be more calls for this, and ALL it will do is help trump, because Biden is not stepping down. That ship has sailed. Klein and the other clowns should spend more time telling Rs' to remove trump.That is far more doable. TFG is nobody, and the party owes him nothing. I hate to tell Ezra, but there is no JFK out there. Biden was the pick, and he is the only one who has beaten trump.
You have no evidence at all, nor is it corroborated, that he has any mental deterioration. Once again it is the never trumpers who have the best have a judge, Hur, who was part of the trump WH, and as Rick Wilson said about him, anyone associate with trump is suspect ( he uses a different word ). And I wouldn't call normal physical aging deterioration. FYI, dementia is a set of diseases that can affect anyone, even children. Bruce Willis is 68 and Robin Williams was 63. As one neurologist who has watched Biden said, if we are worried about "deterioration" no one over 40 should run.
The leader of our community here (HC) has been really clear because of a lot of tremendously positive actions taken HC is one of the spears of the pro democracy Biden train. There are quite a few writings on previous dates explaining why. Ezra Klein and James Carville are both colleagues of Simon’s but they do not share exact same opinion. Note our leaders clear directions on our # 1 goal NOW is to donate to, support and elect the Biden-Harris team. IMHO that train ( discussion) left the station long ago.
Opinions always appreciated however just wanted to point out the deep commitment and direction of this particular ride. 🫶
I’m having déjà-vu from 2008 when I went door to door collecting voter signups as a Pennsylvania’s ‘Obamicans’ have I felt a real part of Democratic activism. You’ll recall Obama’s campaign turned Doylestown PA, from solid red to blue. #bluewave
I will be more than willing to host a Calling Party, for “get out the vote” or whatever else you recommend. Anytime at my condo in Delray Beach, Florida. Anyone local please get a hold of me if you wish.@guymazzeo on Twitter, Threads, here
I just listened to your convo with David Rothkopf. I'm already a huge fan of Rothkopf. His global knowledge and pov are a great match for your own, equal but different. I gather that you do these with him quite often which is good news. Thank you!
Time is running out on the Democratic campaign for choosing a winning Presidential candidate.
So the NYTs has taken to piling on to the issue of Biden's " too much of an old man and is probably in decline" to be the candidate.
Here's a link to Ezra Klein's Podcast/opinion piece in today's Times. Klein has ample contact points for your comments at the end of his piece so I won't add in.
Here is what to I emailed to Klein:
My recommendation to Klein and other Democratic election experts who are questioning the wisdom of Biden' 2nd run , Please STOP. People get old, many become challenged. That is not news.
There is only one person qualified to determine Joe Biden's qualifications for the task ahead and that's Joe Biden.Only we Democrats, "aiming at our foot", would raise serious doubts about the capabilities of the most successful Democratic President in the last 60 years. His 1st term record has been almost flawless and his team has been remarkably stable and without conflict.
History will have many lessons to teach us from the Biden presidency. But absolutely one lesson is that Joe Biden does no t dither when it comes to making decisions of consequence for the good of Americans. If he determines he's not up to the task, I for one am confident, he will create, with the least damage, an effective transition. Until then we need to be 100% in with Joe.
It is truly rich for the Times, with its anti-Biden vs Trump, click bait, news to be pushing this line of caution. If the Times would abandon their anti-Biden bias and give the President the unbiased coverage the American people need, Biden's poll numbers go up.
I'm much more optimistic about Biden's capabilities for the next for years. I'm confident he'll run a vigorous and successful campaign and decisively defeat Trump if Trump is the candidate.
If he decides he not the best candidate for the country, he will withdraw before the convention.
Precisely! While others here liked the Klein interview, I turned it off mid-interview. The arrogance of suggesting we turn our backs on the most successful President in our lifetimes? Non-starter. And political suicide at this late date.
Thanks for the idea of emailing him. Might do that now that I’ve had a chance to think about how to respectfully tell him my opinion of his “idea.”
Poweriing down for the weekend sounds like a great idea - especially as you said something last night about not getting much sleep for a few days. Selfishly, I want you to please take good care of you; we're going to need you for quite a while! Ok, also take good care because it's good for you!
Writing to someone at AccerateChange today (worthy of knowing more about that group), I was chatting about weather and said this: "here in CA a river of rain predicted for some areas this [Presidents'] weekend . Climate change should be front and center in farm-belt and red districts: tornados, hurricanes and rivers of rain as well as drought and fire do not know political boundaries and Trump never discusses our public policy on this. " and I would add the million Americans who died because Trump's administration didn't stand up for healthcare for all has also not been made a campaign issue. But his fines today and barred from being in NY business should draw some fire from some Republicans against Trump being their candidates, won't it?
Hope everyone saw the powerful new ad released today by the Biden-Harris campaign, blasting Trump for telling Russia they could "do whatever the hell they want" to our NATO allies:
"Every President since Truman has been a rock sold supporter of NATO, except for Donald Trump. Trump wants to walk away from NATO. He’s even given Putin and Russia the green light to attack America’s allies: 'I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want.' No President has ever said anything like it. It’s shameful. It’s weak. It’s dangerous. It’s un-American. Joe Biden understands the commitment we have made to NATO is good for America and the world. And he will honor it, because that’s what a strong American president does."
Democracy is the core value of this community. The death of Navalny, if true as reported, is an outrage to the spirit and practice of democracy. Putin's greatest fear is of hundreds of thousands of people in the street in protest. I am hoping there will be millions of people around the world in the streets peacefully but fervently expressing their outrage at Putin's desperate attempt to strangle the spirit of democracy.
When I hold court in the mall each morning on my walks, I preach that Democracy is on the line...picked up a new Biden voter today. Working on the security guard...87 years old thinks Biden has dementia but is also a war criminal. It's gonna take a little work....we got his vote last time. We'll get it again. You may think, it's NJ why does it matter? It' still important IMO to run up the score and beat these MAGA idiots decisively. After we all we have a goober race the following year and we want to continue the good work Murphy has done; any R will undo all the progress, hand huge tax cuts away, cut school aid, and cut public worker pensions and benefits, and will try to do what they can to harm NJ pensioners. I'm trying to get an indie I converted to a Biden voter today to register as a Dem, so he can have more voice in the primaries, and be a solid vote for Senate and governor. Dude is 65 and never registered, retired postal worker. We gotta change that.
Please tell us more about "hold court in the mall;" it sounds really intriguing!
Early morning retiree walks at 7 to those still working on weekends!
I was on a postcard-writing Zoom this morning and Navalny came up in the discussion. Someone dropped a link to this article in Vanity Fair about his wife - now widow.
The courage of the Navalny family is is truly awesome. We all need to honor their sacrifice with focused and committed activism in support of democracy everywhere in the world--at home in the U.S., in support of Ukraine, and everywhere authoritarians are threatening democratic institutions and the rule of law.
Hey Cheryl, great idea. I loved this article, as painful as it is to read.
Happy Friday, y'all! I loved seeing everyone from all across the country at the gathering last night - and so fun for Suozzi to stop by! I went and re-read the four freedoms speech this morning and it filled me. Have a wonderful long weekend, my friends.
Feeling a little puzzled - I can't find the four freedoms speech and I want to read it. Can you give me a clue? Thank you, Janice!
In Simon's meeting last night he referenced this speech as a powerful foundational piece for him. He addresses it on the video about 22 minutes into the meeting.
The key to finding it was knowing that FDR delivered it.
Thank y'all. I actually remember studying it, but hadn't read it in many years. Very powerful - a perfect centering for this moment -
OUR NEXT BIG PUSH = SUPPORT KAMALA HARRIS! I just sent this message to WNYC host Brian Lehrer: Re your segment yesterday One of your callers yesterday hit on the core problem but neither you nor your guest acknowledged it. There is a plan in place. Kamala Harris is our sitting Vice President, so should anything happen to President Biden in his 2nd term, she will be there to step up (just as Harry Truman stepped up--marvelously--when FDR died in office & just as Lyndon Johnson stepped up--heroically--when JFK was assassinated). The problem? Her polls are low BECAUSE SHE GETS NO COVERAGE. Your caller said that. He said ~ "I don't know enough about her." I suggest you book Maria Hinojosa IMMEDIATELY. She did a wonderful interview with Kamala Harris a few months back on Latino USA. Check it out. You'll see! #LatinoUSA #MariaHinojosa #KamalaHarris #BidenHarris2024 #SheThePeople #SuperMajority
Lehrer is a nice guy...too nice and too bothsidesy IMO. Lopate was more aggressive and the show that replaced him at noon is the ultimate show about nothing...."All of It" I'm having ...."None of it." If you are looking for any solace at any NPR affiliate, you are going to be really disappointed. I'm surprised they didn't interview some "lifelong Democrat" who just couldn't vote for Biden.....but I guess the diner was closed? NPR can come out to the mall in CNJ 30 mins away and find lots of people, even ones who don't like Biden, who say they will vote for him. These are mostly White seniors, by the way. I'll be happy to introduce them.....
Maria Hinojosa and Latino USA producer Reynaldo Leaños Jr. join Vice President Kamala Harris aboard Air Force Two as the vice president makes her way to Miami, Florida, as part of her “Fight For Our Freedoms” college tour. Later, Maria sits down with Vice President Harris for a one-on-one interview where they discuss young Latino voters’ participation, reproductive rights, immigration, and more.
4:30 PM UPDATE: I'm seeing messages below about Ezra Klein's new "pile-on" podcast. It's in my feed, but I haven't listened to it yet... That said, I absolutely agree with Jon Bierman below who says: "Good luck finding consensus on an alternative candidate if it ever came to that - what a complete s**t-show that would be." Friends, I not only remember 1968, I lived thru it! It was a disaster!! Please, please, let's not start inventing Thought Experiments at this late date with so much at stake. #BidenHarris2024 is my team & I will do everything in my power to spread the word.
8 AM UPDATE: Kudos to Heather Cox Richardson for opening her 2/16 column with quotes from Kamala Harris. Please read HRC's full column & ask yourselves if you really want to throw the Biden/Harris Team in the garbage in favor of an "Open" DNCC Convention in August? Meanwhile, these are the words of Kamala Harris who is now representing the USA in Europe: "[Upholding international rules and democratic values] makes America strong, and it keeps Americans safe... [Isolating ourselves and embracing dictators while we] abandon commitments to our allies in favor of unilateral action' is dangerous, destabilizing, and indeed short-sighted... That view would weaken America and would undermine global stability and undermine global prosperity... I will make clear President Joe Biden and I stand with Ukraine. In partnership with supportive, bipartisan majorities in both houses of the United States Congress, we will work to secure critical weapons and resources that Ukraine so badly needs... [If we fail to impose severe consequences on Russia' for its invasion of Ukraine] other authoritarians across the globe would be emboldened, because you see, they will be watching…and drawing lessons. In these unsettled times, it is clear America cannot retreat. America must stand strong for democracy. We must stand in defense of international rules and norms, and we must stand with our allies. The American people will meet this moment and America will continue to lead.”
Simon, thank you for a very informative and most inspiring Hopium gathering last night! You truly are generating the community enthusiasm and momentum to "Get to 55"!
Wow. Loved hearing from the Congressman elect. His words made me feel good and proud. I can't fight for freedom on the battlefields of Europe like my dad did, but I can do my part today on the home front. God bless America and our allies. We will fight together---from our living rooms, backyards, and halls of goverment----for the freedoms and rights we hold dear.
HI Elizabeth, both my parents were WWII vets- my dad was in the army and also fighting in Europe. My mom was in the Marines and stationed at the Pentagon. Growing up I would mention that she had been a Marine and I would get the most skeptical looks from my friends - she looked nothing like those Marine recruiting posters of the 60s and 70s, lol.
With regards to Navalny’s death, Putin also fears the (other) oligarchs turning their backs to him because their interests no longer coincide.
I believe we are seeing something similar here in the US. There is a split in the community of plutocrats and mega-corporations. Increasingly, they are realizing that their interests will NOT be well served by the re-election of Trump, and the chaos and uncertainty he inevitably brings.
Which poses an important question: What can we ask democratically-minded billionaires and financial stakeholders to contribute to the re-election of President Biden, and to a Blue Tsunami (55%+)? While we obviously have very different policy interests, some of these are definitely potential allies in our fight to preserve American democracy!
Elsewhere I have mentioned my pipe dream of having sympathetic billionaires (or union funds?) buy up the likes of Sinclair Broadcast and transform them into real news media.
This would help augment grassroots efforts, because a major challenge of 2024 is simply reaching out with our fact-based narrative, and making sure it is heard and seen by voters. Today’s MSM and infotainment news media are often frustrating obstacles – but nonetheless, only to a varying degree are people irrevocably trapped inside a right-wing / non-factual news bubble.
You might want to check out this week's episode of Politics Girl where she interviews Tara McGowan, founder and publisher of Courier News. I think she's been on one of Simon's early Zooms that he rebroadcast not too long ago.
Thanks for the tip! Leigh McGowan (PoliticsGirl) is excellent, although I watch her videos infrequently. Another favorite of mine is Brian Tyler Cohen.
I dont know if any of you have listened to Ezra Klein's latest podcast this morning but it is 27 minutes long and I highly recommend it. He presents arguments for why we need to consider having Biden step down and letting a younger more energetic candidate be selected at the Dem Convention in August. He makes the point that Biden has been an outstanding president in what he has accomplished - and continues to do an excellent job. As Simon says Biden is a good president and he is. But Ezra says there is a big difference in being a president and campaigning for president. He points out that Biden's poll numbers (and i know we should be wary of polls) but Biden's numbers have been SO consistent even when we get really good news about the economy - there is no bump up.. And to be an effective campaigner you need energy - you need to be quick on your feet - you need to be flexible. A more dynamic younger candidate could capture the imagination of young people and on- the- fence- voters in a way that Biden can't. And we used to elect our candidates at the Dem Convention every season so it isn't unprecedented. Biden has put together an amazing team - that team will still be effective but under a different leader. One more thing - the Dems changing course by having Biden step down also demonstrates our flexibility and responsiveness to change that is in such stark contrast to the GOP where it's all about Trump Trump Trump. Check out the podcast - Ezra can lay out the arguments far better than I can. I love Joe Biden and he is a fantastic president but there's so much at stake and a younger candidate (and there are many options of good potential candidates) might be what we need to consider right now.
ABOUT THIS: "Rather than exiting a beloved elder statesman proud of a successful first term, it seems it was more important to him to hold on to power than doing what was best for the country." OMG :-( Remember when Nancy Pelosi said she would step down after the 2016 election... but then she didn't...? She didn't because Hillary Clinton wasn't POTUS (which is what Nancy & [almost] everyone else had expected). But Nancy was already mentoring Hakeem Jefferies & as soon as the Speaker's Gavel was secure in 2022, Nancy did step down & Hakeem did step up & Hakeem is doing great! Promises Made & Promises Kept. Same thing now. Joe Biden promised that if he won in 2020, he would be a one term POTUS. But that was when he & [almost] everyone else expected that if Trump lost, the Republicans would move on. Well, Trump did lose, but MAGA bullies haven't moved on & now Trump is running again... So now Joe is running again too. But, like Nancy, Joe is already mentoring new generations (beginning with our Vice President Kamala Harris & their superlative Cabinet members). So WE must stay united! There is no "magic candidate" who will suddenly create "consensus" IN AUGUST. Our tent is too big. As my grandmother used to say: "A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush." Right now, I'm praying that we all hold on to "the bird" in our hand!
Do you have a non-paywalled link to Ezra Klein’s podcast?
By the way, Klein’s interview with our Simon (link above) was stellar!
I know I loved Ezra's interview of Simon! So inspiring.
I dont have a non paywall link but just google ezra klein podcasts -
and it will come up. I think his podcast is open to everyone.
If you want to really know about politics, Ezra and the NYT ain't the best sources. Try Rick WIlson's Enemies' List, Joe Truppi, The Bulwark, Fast Politics, or Politicon. People like Meidas Touch but I find them kinda light on analysis; I mean I can compile audio of things myself....
I listened to the same podcast. What I heard Ezra say is he perceives Biden vs Trump still is risky. He bases a lot of that risk interpretation on polling. He then wants to mitigate that risk by having Biden step down and Dems select their Presidential and VP candidates at the summer convention. That seems highly risky!! So, his idea doesn’t make much sense to me.
In the interests of keeping this forum civil as Simon requests I won't say what I really think of Ezra Klein's suggestion. So I will simply agree it's "highly risky".
The GOP is in disarray they have tied themselves to an Authoritarian narcissist with 91 felony counts and the impulse control of a 2 year old who may very well may be a convicted felon by the time the election rolls around. Oh and polling shows that if he is convicted about 1/3 of his supporters wouldn't vote for him.
And people think that this is a good time to throw the Democratic party into disarray and choose a new presidential candidate just because Biden is old and/or has a low approval rate in polls? IMO that would be playing right into the GOP's hands.
I agree with Jan, there is a succession plan in place should Biden become incapacitated and it would be Kamala Harris. To suggest that we need to start over from scratch is a slap in the face to one of Biden's strongest constituencies - African American women.
Not to mention that a fair number of Never Trumpers voted for Biden in 2020 in part because they feel comfortable with him, gaffes and all, from his many years in politics. If you pick someone younger and more progressive you likely lose the vote of anyone right of center.
While if we stick with Biden a fair number of people who don't spprove of him because he's too old or isn't isn't progressive enough will vote for him anyway because he wants to protect a a woman's right to reproductive freedom, pass sensible gun reform and fight climate change.
We don't need to start over, we need to be more effective in our messaging and get effective surrogates like Simon out in front of the media. Maybe we can clone Simon?
And ignore Harris? Yeah, that wouldn't alienate anyone, would it? I didn't listen, I find him really hard to take.
I vehemently disagree with Ezra Klein and wish he (and far too many other media pundits) would use their voices to build up President Biden rather than to continually sow doubts and weaken him in the process. BTW if we're talking polls, Emerson released a poll today showing Biden performs better against Trump than Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, or Gretchen Whitmer. And good luck finding consensus on an alternative candidate if it ever came to that - what a complete s**t-show that would be.
These pundits and pollsters relentlessly focus on age while ignoring the reality that Biden's experience and judgment has helped make him "one of the most successful Presidents in modern American history," as AOC recently said. They also ignore the overwhelming strength Biden has with 2024 Democratic primary voters. He won 96% of the vote in SC, 89% in NV, and beat his challengers by over 40% in NH where his name wasn't even on the ballot! Let's take advantage of the power of the incumbency and the extraordinary, under-appreciated strength of Biden's abundant historic legislative and economic successes!
Sure, in a perfect world President Biden would suddenly be 25 years younger (but still have all his wisdom and experience), he wouldn’t stutter, and never commit a gaffe.
Meanwhile, we are "cursed" with one of the best presidents in my lifetime – someone who is a hundred times the human being and candidate that Agent Orange is.
Together, let’s win this election – lest it be the very last American election.
The press is going full on with this, The Atlantic is on board as well, Salon IIRC has done this, and now Ezra. There will be more calls for this, and ALL it will do is help trump, because Biden is not stepping down. That ship has sailed. Klein and the other clowns should spend more time telling Rs' to remove trump.That is far more doable. TFG is nobody, and the party owes him nothing. I hate to tell Ezra, but there is no JFK out there. Biden was the pick, and he is the only one who has beaten trump.
You have no evidence at all, nor is it corroborated, that he has any mental deterioration. Once again it is the never trumpers who have the best have a judge, Hur, who was part of the trump WH, and as Rick Wilson said about him, anyone associate with trump is suspect ( he uses a different word ). And I wouldn't call normal physical aging deterioration. FYI, dementia is a set of diseases that can affect anyone, even children. Bruce Willis is 68 and Robin Williams was 63. As one neurologist who has watched Biden said, if we are worried about "deterioration" no one over 40 should run.
The leader of our community here (HC) has been really clear because of a lot of tremendously positive actions taken HC is one of the spears of the pro democracy Biden train. There are quite a few writings on previous dates explaining why. Ezra Klein and James Carville are both colleagues of Simon’s but they do not share exact same opinion. Note our leaders clear directions on our # 1 goal NOW is to donate to, support and elect the Biden-Harris team. IMHO that train ( discussion) left the station long ago.
Opinions always appreciated however just wanted to point out the deep commitment and direction of this particular ride. 🫶
I’m having déjà-vu from 2008 when I went door to door collecting voter signups as a Pennsylvania’s ‘Obamicans’ have I felt a real part of Democratic activism. You’ll recall Obama’s campaign turned Doylestown PA, from solid red to blue. #bluewave
Are you still working to GOTV in PA?
I moved to upstate NY so I phone banked in NJ and PA or where close contests occur
I will be more than willing to host a Calling Party, for “get out the vote” or whatever else you recommend. Anytime at my condo in Delray Beach, Florida. Anyone local please get a hold of me if you wish.@guymazzeo on Twitter, Threads, here
I just listened to your convo with David Rothkopf. I'm already a huge fan of Rothkopf. His global knowledge and pov are a great match for your own, equal but different. I gather that you do these with him quite often which is good news. Thank you!
Time is running out on the Democratic campaign for choosing a winning Presidential candidate.
So the NYTs has taken to piling on to the issue of Biden's " too much of an old man and is probably in decline" to be the candidate.
Here's a link to Ezra Klein's Podcast/opinion piece in today's Times. Klein has ample contact points for your comments at the end of his piece so I won't add in.
Here is what to I emailed to Klein:
My recommendation to Klein and other Democratic election experts who are questioning the wisdom of Biden' 2nd run , Please STOP. People get old, many become challenged. That is not news.
There is only one person qualified to determine Joe Biden's qualifications for the task ahead and that's Joe Biden.Only we Democrats, "aiming at our foot", would raise serious doubts about the capabilities of the most successful Democratic President in the last 60 years. His 1st term record has been almost flawless and his team has been remarkably stable and without conflict.
History will have many lessons to teach us from the Biden presidency. But absolutely one lesson is that Joe Biden does no t dither when it comes to making decisions of consequence for the good of Americans. If he determines he's not up to the task, I for one am confident, he will create, with the least damage, an effective transition. Until then we need to be 100% in with Joe.
It is truly rich for the Times, with its anti-Biden vs Trump, click bait, news to be pushing this line of caution. If the Times would abandon their anti-Biden bias and give the President the unbiased coverage the American people need, Biden's poll numbers go up.
Merrill Weingrod
Thanks Evan,
I'm much more optimistic about Biden's capabilities for the next for years. I'm confident he'll run a vigorous and successful campaign and decisively defeat Trump if Trump is the candidate.
If he decides he not the best candidate for the country, he will withdraw before the convention.
Precisely! While others here liked the Klein interview, I turned it off mid-interview. The arrogance of suggesting we turn our backs on the most successful President in our lifetimes? Non-starter. And political suicide at this late date.
Thanks for the idea of emailing him. Might do that now that I’ve had a chance to think about how to respectfully tell him my opinion of his “idea.”
Tell Klein and the anti- Bidenite cabal at the times to stuff it.
I liked the Ezra Klein interview with Simon Rosenberg.
In general, perhaps Ezra was better when he was at
Sorry, Here is the Ezra Kelin Link from this morining that goes with my just posted response.
Thanks for reminding me to unfollow his show, which is generally uninteresting anyway and often finds guests, it seems, to criticize Dems. Wonder why?
Poweriing down for the weekend sounds like a great idea - especially as you said something last night about not getting much sleep for a few days. Selfishly, I want you to please take good care of you; we're going to need you for quite a while! Ok, also take good care because it's good for you!
Writing to someone at AccerateChange today (worthy of knowing more about that group), I was chatting about weather and said this: "here in CA a river of rain predicted for some areas this [Presidents'] weekend . Climate change should be front and center in farm-belt and red districts: tornados, hurricanes and rivers of rain as well as drought and fire do not know political boundaries and Trump never discusses our public policy on this. " and I would add the million Americans who died because Trump's administration didn't stand up for healthcare for all has also not been made a campaign issue. But his fines today and barred from being in NY business should draw some fire from some Republicans against Trump being their candidates, won't it?
Thanks; I remember the reference but I don't remember hearing where it is to read.
Hope everyone saw the powerful new ad released today by the Biden-Harris campaign, blasting Trump for telling Russia they could "do whatever the hell they want" to our NATO allies:
Here part of the voiceover in the ad:
"Every President since Truman has been a rock sold supporter of NATO, except for Donald Trump. Trump wants to walk away from NATO. He’s even given Putin and Russia the green light to attack America’s allies: 'I would encourage them to do whatever the hell they want.' No President has ever said anything like it. It’s shameful. It’s weak. It’s dangerous. It’s un-American. Joe Biden understands the commitment we have made to NATO is good for America and the world. And he will honor it, because that’s what a strong American president does."