Been on phone bank since 5 am Pacific.

Dialing as I write.

Planning to call as much as I humanly can.

This race feels possible for Dems, but a stretch from calls I am making.


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thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Gotta keep at this GOTV; gotta push firmly, gently forward til 7 pm Eastern/4 pm Pacific time.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Agree with your comment speaking to Symone. It's time for Biden/Harris to turn on their campaign especially with Trump now in a trial with more to come. We can beat the heck out of him next year, but we have to get loud now.

And for those who magically think that some unknown Democratic candidate will be able to get the youth, black, brown, women vote etc. you just need to accept the fact that this election will probably be like one you have never experienced before. I know it will be for me as a longtime voter. We are one election away from losing our democracy and at this point there is no time for some unknown candidate to gain enough speed to out primary Joe Biden. It is what it is. Let's get going to re-elect Biden/Harris.

And for those still worrying about his age, our VP is gaining knowledge, experience and strength everyday. I was concerned at first but have been following her for over a year on Twitter and have no concerns that should something happen to Biden, she will be ready to lead.

Keep the faith and let's get to work after today's election re-electing Biden/Harris.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Phone banked to cure votes yesterday. Will continue today and tomorrow; phone banked for Clint Jenkins and house dems in district 17 last night. We’re going to win VA!!

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thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Thanks Simon.

I’m watching CO and MN too, their biddings for Sec 3 of 14th AMMENDMENT in court . Making TFG not eligible to run again/be on the ballot - due to his breaking his oath ie involvement in the insurrection. This could be a real catalyst for other states ( and mindsets) if successful.

Lisa Desjardins synopsis last night on PBS brought forth the slew , the hopes for Dem turnout AND WINSπŸ‘πŸ™ŒπŸ€ž there’s a lot going on today.

I am encouraging , providing posts,news, and lots of BLUE πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™ to GOTV! Do what you can please and BIG APPLAUSE for Y’ALL’S right in there workin’ it ....WOHOO!

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thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

I work with my local chapter of Indivisible (Indivisible Mad River Valley) in a tiny valley in Vermont. We wrote many hundreds of postcards to Virginia and to Ohio for TODAY ~ and are gearing up for the general election in 2024. We have been working hard for Democrats since 2016.

Please everyone…ALL HANDS ON DECK! You can Google Indivisible, and find your local chapter. We CAN do this!

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thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Thank you for the suggestion, Susan. I just contacted Indivisible in Silicon Valley. Time to do more. I always feel so motivated and engergized after visiting Hopium. Thanks to all here.

We can do this!

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It’s SO easy to Google Indivisible and find your local chapter, isn’t it?!

It’s so great how easy it is. Thank you SO much for just DOING it!

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Thank you Kathryn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Great news! Thanks! (I'm home for a couple of hours break from working polls in VA; in Red rural districts here but gotta keep up the pressure) But . . . Trump will probably NOT be convicted and in jail by November 2024, thanks mainly to Merrick Garland. The wheels of justice grind slowly . . .

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Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

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Showed this to my grumpy, pessimistic (historian) husband. I think it lifted his mood a bit. Hears hoping some of my Virginia letters on climate change come home to roost.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Rancid is the perfect adjective!

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Thank you for the sanity you continue to inject into our politics. You helped me in 2022 and of course this year and I know you will see us through to the finish line in 2024. I never take the bait with crazy headlines anymore and I know HOPIUM is where to go when I seek the truth. I now totally get why you chose that title. Thank you Simon, for all that you do, today and every day. It makes all the difference ❀️

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Why does the media work so hard to ignore and or denigrate what President Biden has accomplished.

I can’t even read the papers these days without becoming enraged.

When he gives a speech it’s MIA in the news.

It seems purposeful.

Do they want another republicans in the white house?

Mike Johnson is talking cuts to SS and Medicare...... crickets

I don’t get it. Please explain.

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

Simon, I missed the window to object to the NYT poll featured on the front page yesterday, a disservice to the many-years readers of the Times. The point that is almost never made is that you can't poll voters between the ages of 18-24! They don't respond to phone calls, seldom to texts unless from their friends, and certainly not by mail. And yet in 2022, they saved the mid terms for us because when they are registered, according to the Civics Center, 75% of them vote. And they tend to vote Democratic. So nearly every poll will miss this essential factor in elections. Millions of people who turn 18 this year are not registered to vote. If we join the Civics Center volunteer effort, we can get a significant number ready to vote in 2024. I can't imagine why this is almost never mentioned. It's time for Hopium subscribers to join the Civics Center volunteer effort and to remind media outlets that their polls are nearly worthless with taking these voters into account.

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Thanks Susan, I am a Canadian who started obsessing on US politics after Trump was elected. By the time of Roe v Wade I almost needed to sign up for therapy. Then I found Heather Cox Richardson and now Hopium. Reading both calm me. I am going to get back to complaining to the Irish Times and some of the British papers. How ever they manage it they always seem to find and interviews the same people the pollsters at the NYT spoke to.

Years ago when I was in charged of reveiwing feed back for our medical students. I found that when this was anonymous and taken right after they wrote an exam , they have all their teachers a fail and made vicious comments. Another professor gave me great advice. Just ask what did you like ? what did you not like ? What could be better ? We also asked this after they had time to sleep Wow. Things went much better and we got useful answers and were able to make the course better.

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I had been meaning to do this, but I cancelled my NYT subscription last night. The coverage bashing Biden, the negatives on positive economic news and finally their coverage of the GAZA hospital bombing did it for me. This "paper of record" has become irresponsible.

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Simon, I have two questions.

1 - Do you know anything about 270toWin.com owned by Allen Keiter?

2 - What affect does Israel and Biden's administrations support without strings have on the campaign?

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

This new poll and the underlying poll results if Trump is convicted are great news! I passed this essay to friends who were delighted.

But the media is only reporting on the NYT poll with Trump leading in most of the important states. When will we see these positive polls in the media? I will be watching.

The best to Democrats in VA, KY and MS!

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Nov 7, 2023Liked by Simon Rosenberg

boy - media are chomping at the bit to declare Biden toast if the VA results are bad. See Politico, Wasserman. Ironic because, otherwise, the results would be ignored (as the other elections have been, just explained away). Get ready Hopium community for a full on meltdown. Going to be really important to keep our heads and stay positive no matter what. Of course, hoping for a great result tonight!

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