NEED A FAVOR: I want to convince a 30 something that the choice we face now is truly democracy or authoritarianism. This person says "both sides" use fear mongering and that's the Dem's version.
When ever one of my peers says that. I ask them to describe the parties. I get some version of Dems are Weak and Republicans are Crazy/Cruel. That is when I jump in and say I do not agree with your assessment of the Dems but even if true the case is clear. Bad things happen when you give the Republicans power and even if the Dems are a wash you get better outcomes.
Then I point out that the Dems only get full power about once a Decade but they always use that political capital to do good. Virtually everyone will agree that the provisions of the ACA, and the Biden accomplishments are good. I have found this usually does not make a enthusiastic supporter but one who will vote if prompted to do so.
Seriously, clips of late night comedy often resonates with millennials +
Jimmy Kimmel last night➡️ “ Republicans are in a tough spot, either cater to extremists in their party who want to impeach Joe Biden and hand Ukraine over to Putin or work with Democrats who want to fight climate change and give health care to sick people.”
So Lucy, a central reason I created Hopium was to help us learn how to respond to this facile and false narrative. The two sides are the same argument is a Republican construct, designed to obscure the good we've done and their repeated, historic failures. The best place to start is with my With Democrats, Things Get Better presentation which is a 30 minute rebuttal of this false, red wavy narrative. This will become particularly important as it is the central theme of the RFK campaign which will have money and will be working to reach young people with it.
Simon, have you considered talking to Colin Dickey? His most recent book Under Eye of Power, looks at the history of conspiracy theories in US and how political movements have used conspiracy theory and how others have fought conspiracy theory. I think it could be very informative to Hopium Community.
Lucy, I suggest Robert Reich’s videos on YouTube. If you don’t know he is a lawyer, professor, worked in 3 administrations & Clinton’s Labor Sec.
Here is his newest one, I think it is a great place to start. Ironically it is his political advice to Biden campaign. And it has an awesome FDR quote in there Simon!
Lucy, I grew in Birmingham Alabama and was born the year after the 1963 police riot with the fire hoses and German shepherds and the 16th Street church bombing. My youngest uncle who was then a teenager was attacked by Bull Connor's troops during the police rampage I attended elementary school with a sister of one of the four girls killed in the church bombing. Whenever I hear of Maga and "going back to the good ol' days", those events and the images around them immediately come to mind.
I would encourage you to find LOTS of videos of those events and show them to your friend. I would then pose the following two questions: "Which party is likely to PREVENT this type of evil? And which one definitely wants to REPEAT it TODAY?"
If your friend still equivocates about the Democrats and the GOP being the same, I would then ask them "Are you truly willing to risk your own life and everyone you love hoping the Repubs will treat and all Americans fairly and with decency?". I don't guarantee this person you know will respond favorably, but at least you will have made it clear the brutal, real world consequences of voting for a reactionary and authoritarian party. Hope all of this helps.
Hey, Lucy, thank you for caring about how to lovingly share your views with your neighbor. I agree with the others and would add this: what do people on “both sides” brag about?
MAGA brags that “I’m the one that got rid of Roe” and how they will cut funding to healthcare (Medicare/Social Security/Medicaid), raise retirement ages, and give the wealthy and well connected few tax breaks.
Democrats brag that they lowered healthcare costs, cut child poverty in half, invested in U.S. infrastructure and climate change in a way to give Americans good paying jobs, and support reforming the tax system so the wealthy and well connected pay their fair share.
You might also consider sharing what MAGA fear mongers about. This is the clip of Rep. Greene from GA fear mongering about President Biden finishing what FDR started...but it’s all stuff we all agree we should do.
Thanks for the link to the Virginia Young Democrats. Just made a contribution. Also working on another batch of postcards for Kimberly Pope Adams in VA's new 82nd District. I expect Postcards to Voters will soon have even more opportunities to write to Democrats in Virginia.
BTW, the Democrats Are Winning video is terrific. Also love seeing the growth in new donors to the Biden-Harris campaign!
I've been a subscriber for several months now and just became paid. I'm 69 and have never seen a view of the Democratic party as reflected in your Things Get Better with Democrats data. Whenever I see the data, I go all Mike Dukakis and wonder "how are we losing to these guys" regarding the economy.
One thought is I don't see Democratic politicians quoting the data and/or selling the story. I did see a fact check of a Biden speech where he spoke about the progress his administration has made and the fact check was not positive. Why call the truth into question by embellishing falsely on what is already such a hugely positive set of accomplishments?
I also think, when the party has a track record as lopsidedly favorable like the one you highlight, there might be a tendency for people to dismiss it out of hand. For instance, I have thought that a big part of the story is the last few recessions have occurred during Republican presidencies. So I think we need to be able to respond to the question of "what is it that Democrats do" that leads to such an inspiring track record.
Jonathan Haidt talks bout the three stories of capitalism: 1.) Exploitation 2.) Liberation 3.) Something in the middle and as yet unwritten, at least in the USA. He says that Democrats/liberals are about decency (reducing exploitation and the excesses of unbridled capitalism) and Republicans/conservatives are about dynamism (liberating businesses with trickle down effects to everyone).
To me, the story in the hopium numbers is that trickle down economics has clearly been a failing proposition for 90% of the population. Democrats, being about decency, recognize that there are two kinds of capital required for a thriving capitalist society. Financial capital and human capital. Democrats want and work for a capitalist society that balances the needs of both. Republican's are only interested in the needs of corporations and the wealthy. The story of the economy under Republican leadership has been one of financial engineering in place of economic growth and widespread prosperity.
Democrats are successful because they have been writing that third story of capitalism. I even have a tagline.
Democrats - capitalism for all, not corporatocracy for the few.
Thoughts? I'd be happy to talk more. I've created a list of all the ways that corporations have an advantage over employees.
Welcome to our great community here. I agree that this message of Dem greatness has been buried under R media, & wealthy corporate interests and honesty maybe Simon is the only one who put in the analysis effort & has brought it forward for D’s.
Check out Robert Reich’s Vids too. They help explain the HOW on lots of specific economic topics.
But why I think Simon has such an awesome, exciting & unique message is his data PROVES D’s deliver over the last 40 years for regular Americans. We now have research from a HISTORICAL FRAME, to add to the CURRENT D ACCOMPLISHMENTS, while R’s take the stage for ridiculousness!! Educated with Simon’s PROOF, it is up to this group to AMPLIFY this ANY & EVERY way possible. Straight to family/friends, SHARING on socials, church potlucks, work lunchrooms, neighborhood block parties, in comment sections, grassroots volunteering, run or energize local campaigns, voter registration for young, & black/brown, encourage media hits on any platform.... more more more SHARING in ANY FORM whether to 1 person or thousands every day.
Individual pro democracy GRIT & GRIND is how our country will correct course. Heck my hubby is looking at running for State Senate where our district ran UNOPPOSED R IN 2022 after a Dem won in 2020! Ugh!!!!
Simon is uniquely qualified to get this out on a National stage, and his job doing that comes so much easier when D’s KEEP WINNING....( & that makes more great D data, which drives more Wins)!
Like your user name Power of One says it! As INDIVIDUALS we must keep the ‘markers of D political INTENSITY’ blowing up! And SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!!!!! And Share here what you are doing, to get encouragement & appreciation.
As Simon says (LOL) “Keep working hard EVERYBODY”!!!
Thanks for publicizing V Dem. I gave a talk there in Gothenburg in 2016 on my book, Importing Democracy: the Role of NGOs in South Africa, Tajikistan and Argentina. They have over 400 volunteer researchers all over the world, and they measure multiple factors related to democracy. Freedom House was the pioneer, but V Dem is much more statistically robust.
On Oct 17 you posted: "TBD - Gathering with DNC Staff to Discuss Their Emerging 2024 Organizing Strategy And Their New App, Reach"
I'll be paying even more attention to this upcoming event than I do to all of yours geneerally -- and that's saying something!
I already notice DNC texts to get introduced to Reach.
As you work out the details, here's a question that will matter very soon for me and colleagues getting ready for '24 in NM-3: our Dem congressperson's district got some Red counties added in the most recent redistricting. So we are mounting some training events for the beleagurered Dem county parties in some selected counties. That includes technical support and training for canvass and phone campaign management. Will the DNC's innovations be added to the long-standing NGP-VAN strategies? Replaced? Refocused? How will new tools be integrated into the methods that we have used for a long time? Is there evidence that our long-standing methods are waning in their efficacy? Or is there evidence that they are as powerful as ever or more so? My sense is that we keep getting "evidence" of data-driven excellence but we are not told that the "evidence" is continually checked and re-verified. I understand that we do a good job, and I'm grateful. I'd also like to know about observable trends and how our old assumptions are moving over time.
Thanks for all you do.
I'll stay attentive, along with a great many, because your really help us.
Paul I've asked the DNC to come talk to the Hopium about all this, as many have questions and need advice. This will happen in November after the elections. And thank you for what you do, and the kind words!
Great stuff as always.
NEED A FAVOR: I want to convince a 30 something that the choice we face now is truly democracy or authoritarianism. This person says "both sides" use fear mongering and that's the Dem's version.
Any suggestions for a concise read or video?
When ever one of my peers says that. I ask them to describe the parties. I get some version of Dems are Weak and Republicans are Crazy/Cruel. That is when I jump in and say I do not agree with your assessment of the Dems but even if true the case is clear. Bad things happen when you give the Republicans power and even if the Dems are a wash you get better outcomes.
Then I point out that the Dems only get full power about once a Decade but they always use that political capital to do good. Virtually everyone will agree that the provisions of the ACA, and the Biden accomplishments are good. I have found this usually does not make a enthusiastic supporter but one who will vote if prompted to do so.
That's helpful, thx. I'll sift thru Simon's stuff & see if I can find some data to back that up -- I know I've seen it.
Seriously, clips of late night comedy often resonates with millennials +
Jimmy Kimmel last night➡️ “ Republicans are in a tough spot, either cater to extremists in their party who want to impeach Joe Biden and hand Ukraine over to Putin or work with Democrats who want to fight climate change and give health care to sick people.”
So Lucy, a central reason I created Hopium was to help us learn how to respond to this facile and false narrative. The two sides are the same argument is a Republican construct, designed to obscure the good we've done and their repeated, historic failures. The best place to start is with my With Democrats, Things Get Better presentation which is a 30 minute rebuttal of this false, red wavy narrative. This will become particularly important as it is the central theme of the RFK campaign which will have money and will be working to reach young people with it.
Simon, have you considered talking to Colin Dickey? His most recent book Under Eye of Power, looks at the history of conspiracy theories in US and how political movements have used conspiracy theory and how others have fought conspiracy theory. I think it could be very informative to Hopium Community.
Will find that prez, Simon, thanks. And RFK is already reaching them, I'm afraid.
Lucy, I suggest Robert Reich’s videos on YouTube. If you don’t know he is a lawyer, professor, worked in 3 administrations & Clinton’s Labor Sec.
Here is his newest one, I think it is a great place to start. Ironically it is his political advice to Biden campaign. And it has an awesome FDR quote in there Simon!
Hope it is helpful.
Lucy, I grew in Birmingham Alabama and was born the year after the 1963 police riot with the fire hoses and German shepherds and the 16th Street church bombing. My youngest uncle who was then a teenager was attacked by Bull Connor's troops during the police rampage I attended elementary school with a sister of one of the four girls killed in the church bombing. Whenever I hear of Maga and "going back to the good ol' days", those events and the images around them immediately come to mind.
I would encourage you to find LOTS of videos of those events and show them to your friend. I would then pose the following two questions: "Which party is likely to PREVENT this type of evil? And which one definitely wants to REPEAT it TODAY?"
If your friend still equivocates about the Democrats and the GOP being the same, I would then ask them "Are you truly willing to risk your own life and everyone you love hoping the Repubs will treat and all Americans fairly and with decency?". I don't guarantee this person you know will respond favorably, but at least you will have made it clear the brutal, real world consequences of voting for a reactionary and authoritarian party. Hope all of this helps.
Hey, Lucy, thank you for caring about how to lovingly share your views with your neighbor. I agree with the others and would add this: what do people on “both sides” brag about?
MAGA brags that “I’m the one that got rid of Roe” and how they will cut funding to healthcare (Medicare/Social Security/Medicaid), raise retirement ages, and give the wealthy and well connected few tax breaks.
Democrats brag that they lowered healthcare costs, cut child poverty in half, invested in U.S. infrastructure and climate change in a way to give Americans good paying jobs, and support reforming the tax system so the wealthy and well connected pay their fair share.
You might also consider sharing what MAGA fear mongers about. This is the clip of Rep. Greene from GA fear mongering about President Biden finishing what FDR started...but it’s all stuff we all agree we should do.
Thanks for the link to the Virginia Young Democrats. Just made a contribution. Also working on another batch of postcards for Kimberly Pope Adams in VA's new 82nd District. I expect Postcards to Voters will soon have even more opportunities to write to Democrats in Virginia.
BTW, the Democrats Are Winning video is terrific. Also love seeing the growth in new donors to the Biden-Harris campaign!
Thanks for helping the VA Young Dems Jon. They are good people.
Hi Simon and Hopium Chroniclers
I've been a subscriber for several months now and just became paid. I'm 69 and have never seen a view of the Democratic party as reflected in your Things Get Better with Democrats data. Whenever I see the data, I go all Mike Dukakis and wonder "how are we losing to these guys" regarding the economy.
One thought is I don't see Democratic politicians quoting the data and/or selling the story. I did see a fact check of a Biden speech where he spoke about the progress his administration has made and the fact check was not positive. Why call the truth into question by embellishing falsely on what is already such a hugely positive set of accomplishments?
I also think, when the party has a track record as lopsidedly favorable like the one you highlight, there might be a tendency for people to dismiss it out of hand. For instance, I have thought that a big part of the story is the last few recessions have occurred during Republican presidencies. So I think we need to be able to respond to the question of "what is it that Democrats do" that leads to such an inspiring track record.
Jonathan Haidt talks bout the three stories of capitalism: 1.) Exploitation 2.) Liberation 3.) Something in the middle and as yet unwritten, at least in the USA. He says that Democrats/liberals are about decency (reducing exploitation and the excesses of unbridled capitalism) and Republicans/conservatives are about dynamism (liberating businesses with trickle down effects to everyone).
To me, the story in the hopium numbers is that trickle down economics has clearly been a failing proposition for 90% of the population. Democrats, being about decency, recognize that there are two kinds of capital required for a thriving capitalist society. Financial capital and human capital. Democrats want and work for a capitalist society that balances the needs of both. Republican's are only interested in the needs of corporations and the wealthy. The story of the economy under Republican leadership has been one of financial engineering in place of economic growth and widespread prosperity.
Democrats are successful because they have been writing that third story of capitalism. I even have a tagline.
Democrats - capitalism for all, not corporatocracy for the few.
Thoughts? I'd be happy to talk more. I've created a list of all the ways that corporations have an advantage over employees.
Welcome to our great community here. I agree that this message of Dem greatness has been buried under R media, & wealthy corporate interests and honesty maybe Simon is the only one who put in the analysis effort & has brought it forward for D’s.
Check out Robert Reich’s Vids too. They help explain the HOW on lots of specific economic topics.
But why I think Simon has such an awesome, exciting & unique message is his data PROVES D’s deliver over the last 40 years for regular Americans. We now have research from a HISTORICAL FRAME, to add to the CURRENT D ACCOMPLISHMENTS, while R’s take the stage for ridiculousness!! Educated with Simon’s PROOF, it is up to this group to AMPLIFY this ANY & EVERY way possible. Straight to family/friends, SHARING on socials, church potlucks, work lunchrooms, neighborhood block parties, in comment sections, grassroots volunteering, run or energize local campaigns, voter registration for young, & black/brown, encourage media hits on any platform.... more more more SHARING in ANY FORM whether to 1 person or thousands every day.
Individual pro democracy GRIT & GRIND is how our country will correct course. Heck my hubby is looking at running for State Senate where our district ran UNOPPOSED R IN 2022 after a Dem won in 2020! Ugh!!!!
Simon is uniquely qualified to get this out on a National stage, and his job doing that comes so much easier when D’s KEEP WINNING....( & that makes more great D data, which drives more Wins)!
Like your user name Power of One says it! As INDIVIDUALS we must keep the ‘markers of D political INTENSITY’ blowing up! And SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!!!!! And Share here what you are doing, to get encouragement & appreciation.
As Simon says (LOL) “Keep working hard EVERYBODY”!!!
Hugs from NC
I’ve heard Democrats don’t have the messaging problem we thought we did...we have a MESSENGER problem. And we here at Hopium are changing that. 😊
New GDP Now numbers 5.4%. Wild.
Thanks for publicizing V Dem. I gave a talk there in Gothenburg in 2016 on my book, Importing Democracy: the Role of NGOs in South Africa, Tajikistan and Argentina. They have over 400 volunteer researchers all over the world, and they measure multiple factors related to democracy. Freedom House was the pioneer, but V Dem is much more statistically robust.
On Oct 17 you posted: "TBD - Gathering with DNC Staff to Discuss Their Emerging 2024 Organizing Strategy And Their New App, Reach"
I'll be paying even more attention to this upcoming event than I do to all of yours geneerally -- and that's saying something!
I already notice DNC texts to get introduced to Reach.
As you work out the details, here's a question that will matter very soon for me and colleagues getting ready for '24 in NM-3: our Dem congressperson's district got some Red counties added in the most recent redistricting. So we are mounting some training events for the beleagurered Dem county parties in some selected counties. That includes technical support and training for canvass and phone campaign management. Will the DNC's innovations be added to the long-standing NGP-VAN strategies? Replaced? Refocused? How will new tools be integrated into the methods that we have used for a long time? Is there evidence that our long-standing methods are waning in their efficacy? Or is there evidence that they are as powerful as ever or more so? My sense is that we keep getting "evidence" of data-driven excellence but we are not told that the "evidence" is continually checked and re-verified. I understand that we do a good job, and I'm grateful. I'd also like to know about observable trends and how our old assumptions are moving over time.
Thanks for all you do.
I'll stay attentive, along with a great many, because your really help us.
Paul Dirdak, New Mexico
Paul I've asked the DNC to come talk to the Hopium about all this, as many have questions and need advice. This will happen in November after the elections. And thank you for what you do, and the kind words!
Great. I’ll be ready. Thanx