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Oct 22, 2023
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Interesting point. Let me think about it.

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💙 this, Joe➡️” high value”

Floridian(sigh) working to get out the vote in Va but also supporting other states in the battle for democracy. One of my fave for donation/support is Az Native Dem org….they don’t explicitly state “high value” in their communication/postcards but it’s implied.And they have been very successful in getting out the vote! Native Dems get it….but perhaps WE need to be more explicit.

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Oct 21, 2023Edited
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Thank you, TJ, I agree the support for VA is awesome and encouraging 😊

I also agree the Biden Administration consistently shows a focus on getting results to address pain points for regular folks: more jobs, getting inflation down, cutting energy costs, lowering healthcare costs, investing in clean air and clean water, siding with workers rather than the wealthy and well connected few...it’s a lot they’ve done 🥳

My gut tells me they’d LOVE to get meaningful solutions to housing costs for average Americans. My gut also tells me they’ll need a larger Senate majority, and control of the House (otherwise you get the chaos we have in the House atm). That’s why us doing the hard work for VA, OH, and highlighting all the great accomplishments to our circles are so important. Honestly, even my MAGA friends and family are often impressed when I go through all the accomplishments. 😊

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Does anyone know which groups are canvassing to get out the vote in VA? I'd like to contribute.

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So each of the six campaigns have canvassing happening, and I also provide links to other canvassing operations here - https://www.hopiumchronicles.com/p/all-in-for-virginia

thank you!

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Another great pep talk Simon, it’s a real boost to my own words I am able to fortify with graphs and info, positive info. I liked Pete ‘s idea and your input of blue vs red states overall contribution. Interesting.

Stay well Simon and to our Hopium Community. Heat will be coming on soon , hydration concerns (bump up that water intake).

I’m excited for Virginia and hope for the best, have done all I can to help ...a little more than my $.02 😉


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Thank you for sharing, again 😊 Despair destroys and paralyzes; hope heals and propels. 🌱

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If you would like some additional inspirational reading about the Democratic Party, try this essay by Cass Sunstein on FDR and his Second Bill of Rights:


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According to PBS republicans have registered to vote 1,000,000 more voters idk if we dems can say that we have done that yet

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Can you provide a link please?

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From Jessica Craven - Chop Wood, Carry Water

“We’ve got a new secret weapon to boost 2023 turnout: BlueVoterGuide.org

Blue Voter Guide is focused on increasing Dem turnout by enabling faster, smarter, more confident Blue choices up and down ballot. Enter your address & you’ll see your whole ballot. Next to every candidate, judge, and proposition is a list of endorsements from trusted orgs on the left - allowing you to decide in minutes instead of hours. Studies show confusion is the biggest obstacle to new and hesitant voters voting all the way down the ballot. Blue Voter Guide solves that problem, and helps us win elections at all levels. Use it, and let your friends and contacts in battleground states know about it. Blue Voter Guide works for all major target states now, rolling out in all 50 states in ’24.”

From Chop Wood, Carry Water, Jessica Craven

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Many of those issues seem to be being addressed at the state level by Democratic governors and mayors, but a national plan would be huge to reach people in red state who don’t get that kind of investment - if there’s an opt-out, most Republican led states leave their people with nothing just for spite. It’s abhorrent to see funding cut for the most vulnerable as if they’re not worthy. And how do we deal with the news that the deficit increased, since we can bet MAGA GOP will glom onto that as a failure. The “tax and spend liberals” narrative has been out there for decades and will most likely make a comeback. Taxes are revenue and not all spending is the same but how do we counter the old, but effective assumptions?

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Always great to hear you with @AuthorKimberley on the #StartMeUpPodcast! You both give me hope - with trepidation not carrying any extra weight. I am a glass-1/8th-full guy too.

The way I keep my chin above water is to spread around hashtags that reframe the Republican brand in a way that exposes its true nature.

Today’s GOP is not conservative, they are #CORPservative: in servitude to their corporate and billionaire donors. This payola feedback loop sucks the economic stability out of the middle class with that money instead going towards tax cuts for the rich, corporate subsidies for Big Oil, and deregulation aimed at cutting back safety requirements and minimizing payouts when tragedies occur. Bigger profits, ensue.

Kind of sounds like the “family values“ party doesn’t value families all that much, does it?

In fact, it’s worse than that. They are #ProSTRIFE, operating on the notion that the economic and physical suffering that their policies induce cause a kind of despair that suppresses the vote.

But just in case that isn’t enough, Republicans have to find other ways to put their thumb on the scales in elections. Having no accomplishments to tout, they have to gerrymander districts, close precincts in black neighborhoods to force long lines at the remaining ones, and kick folks unknowingly off the voting rules through dirty tricks like #Crosscheck.

It seems like the most important freedom right now for Republicans is #FreedomFromDemocracy. They prefer #RepubloFascism.

But Democrats don’t need to cheat. We have the will of the people, the power of integrity, and #22CenturyThanking on our side.

Kind of feels like I have a little hopium in my veins too, don’t you think? My problem is the unique phraseology above is hard to spread through just one tiny voice. What is the best way to expand this impact?

I’ve been saying for 15 years that I want to be the Frank Luntz of the left. However, while Luntz crafted his focus-group-tested phraseology as a means to prevent critical thinking, my approach is to use phraseology that invites critical thinking to dig deeper into how many different ways the terms apply.

Where shall I go with all this?

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Simon & pro-democracy crusaders, more Hopium link!! Likely many of our 23,000 subs follow Marc Elias @ Democracy Docket. But this is a rare treat vid with BTC, discussing Dem pickups in all these states in ‘24....... AL LA GA FL AR KY NM OH SC TX UT NC NY ( except for OH & NC due to our conservative SSCs). His closing points are important.

These pick ups are places for us at HC to get behind in ‘24 and support especially in states where National Campaign $$$ may not go since they may not fall in the ‘battlegrounds’. Let’s believe we can give Biden both House & Senate. Just daydream a few minutes about what that could mean for our most concerning issues. He is such an impressive leader.

BIG THANKS to everyone working in anyway on campaigns/ elections now! Keep your Hopium tank full! Hugs from NC


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Looking forward to tomorrow’s conversation with CA Indivisibles. Interested in your take on what went wrong in CA 2022 congressional elections and how we can win in some of the Dem. districts where Rs won in 2022.

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Today donated 15$ to the 6 candidates. On fixed income wish I could donate millions! Love all of you good people

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thank you!

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