Nebraska Dem Chair Jane Kleeb On Winning The Blue Dot And The Need To Invest In Democratic Party Infrastructure (Video)

Welcome New Subscribers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good afternoon all. Got a few things for you today:

Jane Kleeb On Winning The Blue Dot And The Importance Of Investing In Democratic Party, Partisan Infrastructure - Excited to bring you the latest in our What Happened, What Comes Next discussion series, this one with my old friend, Jane Kleeb, Chair of the Nebraska Democratic Party and a leading candidate for Chair of the Association of Democratic State Committees and Vice Chair of the DNC. The video is above.

In my in-depth talk with Jane we touch on:

  • The Hopium community’s huge investment in the Nebraska Democratic Party and NE-02 House candidate Tony Vargas, and the role it played in helping us win Nebraska’s Electoral College vote, often referred to as “the blue dot.”

  • Jane’s campaign to become the next leader of the Association of State Democratic Committees and DNC Vice Chair. Jane goes into depth about the ASDC does and how it helps state parties across the US reach their potential. She also explains how the process for selecting the next DNC Chair and Vice Chairs works, and who makes up the 448 members of the DNC.

  • The need to create greater urgency around investing in partisan, Democratic Party infrastructure, including in partisan voter registration. This is an important part of the conversation and is well worth your time.

For a comprehensive view of 2024 and what comes next from leading state party chairs be sure to also check out these other recent post-election interviews and related links (each video interview comes with a transcript for those who would like to read rather than watch or listen):

Other recent videos in our What Happened, What Comes Next series for your Holiday viewing and listening pleasure:

You may also find these two segments from our fall Closing Strong collaboration with COURIER Newsroom and Tara McGowan helpful:

And here are my most important recent post-election analyses, both in words and video, if you haven’t gotten to them yet:

Give The Gift of Hopium This Holiday Season - I’ve set up a thread for paid subscribers to offer their thoughts on what this wonderful and plucky community should do next. I’m grateful for the many comments we’ve received so far. Weigh in if you can in the coming days, and note that an annual Hopium paid subscription is now 10% off through the end of the year for those who may want to sign up or give a bit of Hopium as a holiday gift!

Simon on Bluesky - For those on Bluesky you can find me here, So grateful to be spending far less time on Twitter.

Keep working hard all. Proud to be in this fight with all of you - Simon

P.S. Sorry things were a little late today!


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