Thanks for doing this! I bookmarked the page and will be sharining it with my fellow Dems here in Charlotte, NC.

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Hi Anderson and Simon - Anderson, you're fantastic. I'm an old guy, but I truly believe that your generation is the generation that will really work passionately to change our country into the one we want to live in. As a college professor, I can tell you with certainty the young adults I teach do not care about race, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity or sex. They see a person as a person and are willing to extend a hand to everyone. I can't wait to see what you all accomplish.

I grew up in rural Iowa (DeWitt, Anderson!) and also left as soon as I could. I spent 30 years in Dallas, but missed the seasons and the easier living in the midwest. I earned a PhD at 65 (!) and was happy to get a teaching job in the NE corner of Iowa, near Decorah. Little did I know, having been in Texas, that I was moving into Howard County - the very very rural county that flipped HUGE for Trump in 2016 and 2020 after being a Democratic County for decades. Even though I grew up in small town Iowa, I guess I've been gone too long to understand what happened (and IS HAPPENING) here. Iowans used to be fans of divided government, used to be suspicious of obvious grifters like Trump, and used to be people who believed that the government didn't have any business in your bedroom or in the doctor's office with you. Imagine my surprise when I moved back in 2020 and found that a nearly 90 year old Senator was still in office, and that the state had turned into a MAGA puppet government. I'm from the John Culver / Harold Hughes / Tom Harkin Iowa and honestly I don't recognize the mean-spirited Trump sycophants running the state now. I admire people like you who have the energy to fight for rural Iowa. I agree that it's an untapped demographic in rural America. However, as much as I care, I'll be moving across the Mississippi to blue Illinois next summer. I teach DEI at a state college and would already be fired for violating the state law if any of the MAGA leaders here ever visited my classroom, where I talk about factual history and aspirations for DEI in our country. Thank you for your important work in North Carolina!

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Looking forward to the multi year journey of flipping the courts, getting fair legislative maps drawn, and flipping the legislative chambers there....every victory we have in the south inspires hope for those elsewhere in the south!

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So glad you rebroadcast these interviews. I’m back in Montana helping my daughter and I watched this with my one-year-old granddaughter who obligingly kept swiping my glasses. I’m a huge fan of Anderson Clayton and now my granddaughter is as well 😊👍

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Amongst the several substacks I follow, this is where I go for a shot of enthusiasm and optimism in the political arena. I am grateful to have found it and have endorsed it with my paid subscription. I'm impressed by the depth of knowledge about the political landscape, the relentless quality of admonishment and cheerleading about political activism. As long as I find content that is fact based, well analysed and not simply regurgitated from MSM sources, I'll be coming here to understand the political landscape.

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Simon, could you pass along Anderson’s official email address. I have a voting question for her in regards to a UNC PhD candidate (my son) who has moved to Canada after leaving NC.

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Simon, good interview with Anderson. My niece is a founder of one of the grassroots groups in NC - Neighbors On Call - so that is why I pay attention. You mentioned David Pepper in Ohio - three points. He was in charge of the Ohio Democratic Party when we lost almost all statewide races to Rs so he does not have much credibility with me. The ODP is regrouping and I believe Liz Walters is one to watch. For the recent Ohio win on abortion you need to look to Ohioans United For Reproductive Rights and Red Wine and Blue for groups that led the way (I am sure there were others too). Thank you, Andrew Kohn

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I just set up a monthly donation to NC Dems via your page. Hope the early money helps!

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Another way to help in NC... text to unregistered voters - sign up here - https://www.mobilize.us/buildbridges4am/event/597093/

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Anderson Clayton is the reason I just gave a large donation to NC. Individuals do count. Individual talks do motivate.

Thanks for framing the tasks so clearly, Simon. It’s a “Go here!” for newbies like myself, living in a very progressive state. Just devoted my next 9 months to the cause of 55!

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What a great interview with Anderson Clayton of North Carolina. Super inspiring to see a young woman as Chair, a true fighter with a heart! Can't wait to help out. VOTE BLUE

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Simon, I follow you religiously and you always leave me feeling hopeful. Missed this one (covid over Thanksgiving- fun), but guess I left it sitting in my queu and came across it this evening. REALLY, REALLY glad I did. Anderson Clayton is amazing. I feel fired up. I'm in New England but have decided that I can be most effective this year by supporting tight races elsewhere. I've had my eye on NC for a year. Seeing Anderson sealed that for me. I'm on board and will be a regular donator. Anderson: YOU ROCK.

Here's how I donate: I am low-income, but have set up an auxiliary bank account. What's left over after living expenses and my buffer goes into that account, and gets sent out as donations. It's never going to be a lot, but my bit goes in with other people's bits and together we make a difference. (I also am doing postcards.)

Simon, thanks so much for creating this avenue for us. We can pull this off.

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Thank you Annie. Been great to have you on our team. So grateful for all that you do. It's deeply inspiring, and I am incredibly grateful! S

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Thanks, Simon. That is the beauty of Hopium: it runs both ways, and then spreads out.

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I realize March 2024 is rather late to comment, but this interview was terrific. Anderson Clayton is hugely impressive. With our support and donations, I am confident that she will lead North Carolina Democrats to make great strides in November, through all the good work she and her allies are doing right now and in the coming months.

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