Hopium's Winning The House Thursdays

You Can Now Postcard and Call Anytime - Not Just on Thursdays!

October 4 - While many of you have donated to our 15 Hopium backed House candidates, there is another way you can help. On Thursday nights this fall the Hopium community gathers to postcard and phonebank for our candidates. Along with our partners, the DCCC, Markers for Democracy, Postcards4VA and Grassroots Democrats HQ, we gather every Thursday from 715pm to 9pm ET to let prime Democrats in these districts know about the importance of voting early and Voting on Day 1. We’ve already gotten eight of these in and they have been very well attended - thank you all!

Here’s our upcoming schedule. Sign up for as many as you can!

So we are back at it next Thursday for an evening of work for Sue Altman (NJ-07). You can register for our event here, and note when doing so you can now select which breakout room you want to join - postcard or phonebanking.. We have trainings for both activities live each evening for those who are new or want to learn more.

For those postcarding addresses will be sent in advance and will be able to order more if you want to write more than 10 on Thursday. To write with us you can use any colorful, upbeat postcard you want. If you would like to purchase postcards, we have special VOTE DAY 1 cards available through the Markers for Democracy Postcard ProShop, click here. You will need to set up an account in order to use this store. Please note that it could take a week for your order to arrive.

Most weeks we will hear directly from the candidate at the beginning of our session, just a few minutes after 715pm. So plan on joining us on time each week. At the end of each session, after we’ve done our work, I will be providing a 10 minute overview of the current national political landscape. I will also be joining each breakout room and saying hello and thank you to everyone. So in addition to helping out on Thursdays you will be getting live political updates from the ground and from Washington, DC.

To prep for Thursday watch my interview with Adam. You can learn more about him, donate or volunteer too. If you want to make a single donation to all 15 of our courageous candidates working to flip the House this November you can do that here. I’m excited to announce that we have now raised more than $1.6 million for our House candidates since we began this campaign to help take back the House a few months ago. Thank you all. Time and again when the Hopium community has been called, you have answered, powerfully.

These Thursday night events have become really fun, a great way to hangout each week, and we get a lot of work done. Hope you will join us this week and take one more action to ensure Hakeem Jeffries is the one standing behind President Kamala Harris when she gives her first State of the Union Address next year.

Doing Even More - Helping our "Winning the House Thursday" candidates doesn’t have to end when the Zoom ends. You can continue writing postcards. Here’s how.

If you attended the Zoom and were part of postcarding, you are already approved to get more addresses through our address portal, winningthehouse.com. In fact, you received instructions on how to get more addresses in the email with your initial 10 addresses. If you can’t find that email, instructions are on the winningthehouse.com homepage or contact the team by emailing winningthehouse2024@gmail.com.

Postcard writing opportunities are available for these Winning the House candidates:

  • Janelle Bynum (OR-05)

  • Kirsten Engel (AZ-06)

  • Laura Gillen (NY-04)

  • Mondaire Jones (NY-17)

  • Josh Riley (NY-19)

  • Will Rollins (CA-41)

  • George Whitesides (CA-27)

If you can’t make it Thursday nights or want to keep making calls for candidates the Grassroots Democrats HQ is open for virtual business seven days a week! You can join me every day through November 5th to make phone calls on behalf of the highest priority Red-to-Blue Congressional races in California, key swing Senate races, and for our DAILY West Coast Phone Banks with the Harris-Walz Team! No matter what your schedule looks like, they have an opportunity for you to take action. Together, we will #ElectDemsEverywhere!

Sign up here to phone bank anytime - https://www.mobilize.us/grassrootsdemocratslahq/event/549753/.

Thank You All - I am very excited about this new collaborative effort to do even more to Win the House this year.  The idea for this new effort came from the Hopium community itself.  Many have written to me saying it would be great if we could work together as a community for these candidates - and here we are.  Sign up, invite friends, family and colleagues to come join you.  We can win the House, together, and give President Harris the legislative partner she needs to advance her agenda next year!

Please join me in thanking Hopium community superstars Susan Wagner and Robbin Warner for putting this Thursday night collaboration together. No way this could have come together without them. I get to write this post but they’ve done all the work. Thank you Susan and Robbin!

Keep working hard all. It’s how we win! - Simon

Washington, DC

October 2, 2024