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Winning The House w/Janelle Bynum (OR-5), GOP Taking Enormous Risk w/Trump, Pods for The Weekend

Hopium Annual Subscriptions 10% Off In June!

Happy Friday all. Got a few things for you today:

Winning The House With Janelle Bynum (OR-5) - Yesterday I sat down with our wonderful candidate in Oregon-5, Janelle Bynum. Engineer, entrepreneur, Mom of 4, State Senator and just a great candidate - as you will see when you watch our discussion, above. Because she had a late, competitive primary for the seat, she is much further behind in fundraising than our other 11 candidate so please consider making a contribution to her directly or give to our entire slate of 12 today. As you will hear in our talk, Janelle runs people-powered campaigns and wants and needs volunteers from anywhere in the country. You can sign up to be a volunteer here, and learn more about her here.

Friends, since we began this campaign to Win The House three weeks ago we have raised over $300,000 for our 12 candidates. It’s amazing, impressive, huge! Thank you all. Together, we are making a real difference in this election, and for our country.

Here’s a fundraising update with our progress toward our June 30th making June count goals:

You guys have really stepped up this month - thank you all!

Why I Am Optimistic We Will Win - As I wrote yesterday there is evidence now the election may be turning bluer - 5 credible national polls in the past week showed movement of 2-4 points for Biden. We also had another strong Dem overperformance in a House special election this, and the European right dramatically underperformed public polls, as our right has been doing for several years now. All in all an encouraging week for us.

For a deeper dive on the 2024 election and why I would much rather be us than them check out:

On CNN this morning I talked about the historic risk the Republican Party is taking in rallying around Trump, who is:

  • A rapist, fraudster, traitor and felon

  • Deeply diminished, and far more delusional and crazier than he was in 2020

  • Far more extreme and dangerous, and a clear threat to 1) our democracy and the rights and freedoms we hold dear 2) the global economic order which has made us prosperous and 3) the Western alliance which has kept us free

  • The leader of a failed political movement, MAGA, which just keeps losing elections of all kinds across the country (link)

Watch this new clip from CNBC this morning of influential financial journalist Andrew Sorkin talking about Trump’s visit to the a group of influential American CEOs yesterday:

“CEOs who said that he was remarkably meandering, could not keep a straight thought, was all over the map….CEOs who walked in as soft Trump supporters walked out startled by him”

Try at they might there is no way to put lipstick on the Trumpian pig.

10% Off Annual Hopium Membership in June - As a token of my gratitude for all that you are doing, I’m now offering a 10% discount on annual paid subscriptions for new subscribers through the end of the month. Click on this link to subscribe today. On that link you can also purchase gift or group subscriptions for others you’d like bring into the Hopium community.

I hope we will get to 10,000 paid subscribers by June 30th - we are over 9,850 today - which will put Hopium in a financial place to close this election strong.

June Events, Hopium Hits The Road - I’ve added some new events to the schedule - check ‘em out! Note there is an “Upcoming Events” tab on the Hopium website’s navigation bar where you can always find our latest schedule.

  • Wed, June 19th, 1pm ET - With Democrats, Things Get Better - Register here.

  • Thur, June 20, 5pm CT - I’ll be in Madison, Wisconsin for an in-person at a Wisconsin Democratic Party Fundraising event with the great WI Dem Chair Ben Wikler. Please register and donate here. Looking forward to seeing members of the Hopium community in person next week!

  • Tues, June 25, 730pm ET - The monthly Zoom gathering of the entire Hopium Chronicles community - Register here.

Keep working hard all. Proud to be in this fight with all of you - Simon


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Hopium Chronicles By Simon Rosenberg
Hopium Chronicles With Simon Rosenberg Podcast
Expert commentary from a 30 year veteran of US politics. Here we'll be working on strategies to defeat MAGA, tell our story more effectively and ensure freedom and democracy prevail. Expect sharp analysis, live events and all sorts of Hopium!