CNN Townhall Tonight at 9pm ET, Elon The Dancing Dipshit, Working Hard And Closing Strong

Come Phonebank For Harris-Walz and Derek Tran (CA-45) Thursday!/Welcome New Subscribers!

Happy Wednesday all. The Vice President joins CNN for a townhall tonight at 9pm. All of us should watch. Will be a big night for the campaign, and as she has been bringing it these last few weeks, am sure it will be a good one.

A central reason I’ve remained optimistic is that I’ve believed our financial advantage and superior campaign would allow us to close stronger than Trump. Our ads are reaching more people. Our muscular grassroots is touching more voters. But one other way the campaign is reaching more voters is through the many, many events they are putting on across the battlegrounds each day. In the home stretch you are seeing us everywhere, with powerful and popular surrogates, in front of large and enthusiastic crowds, getting loads of coverage in local media that our target voters watch, listen to and read as early vote really takes off. The organization required to execute these events each day is incredible and could only be pulled off by an ably led, deeply experienced and well-funded campaign. One place your money has gone is in producing the extraordinary spectacle we see each day - Obama, Clinton, the spouses, Liz Cheney, Gov. Walz, Bruce Springsteen and of course the barnstorming, hardest working person in showbiz, the Vice President herself - graceful, eloquent, confident, and powerful in every appearance, every day.

I’ve been talking about how the lack of a late October Presidential debate to help engage the American people meant that the campaigns were going to have to carry a heavier burden at the end to persuade and energize voters. A normal tool that would wake folks up and get them vote isn’t here this time, and the absence of that tool would become a serious test of the two campaigns in the close. So far, we are doing a much better job at filing that void and creating the energy and intensity required to win a close election. The campaign leadership team deserves a lot of credit for understanding all this and executing the exciting daily spectacle they are now producing each day.

This more compelling spectacle also drives a very clear contrast with him, his profound ugliness, his scorching burnt orange, his slovenliness, his unhinged rants, his extremism, his fascistic isolation. Needing to create noise and excitement at the end has meant that the Trump campaign has really had to lean on him in the close - and that, my friends, as we’ve seen with our own eyes, is not going so well. I did a private briefing yesterday where my Republican counterpart said internal GOP tracking polls are finding the race moving towards Harris because Trump’s buffoonery and lunacy is breaking through to voters now. At this critical time our campaign is soaring. And theirs is Trumping along with their broken down band of Star Wars bar allies.

Yesterday a judge ordered Rudy Giuliani to turn over everything he has to the two GA election workers he defamed, including his NYC penthouse apartment. Hello criminal MAGA world!!!!!!!!!

In an appearance last night, (video above), Governor Walz delivered what is without question one of the very best lines of the campaign: “Elon is on that stage, jumping around, skipping like a dipshit.” Enjoy!

And listen to our powerful and confident VP talk about him and his crimes in an NBC News interview yesterday. Another memorable moment from 2024:

My daily home stretch toplines:

  • Non-red wave national and state polling has been remarkably consistent and steady since the debate. The VP leads by 2-3-4 points nationally, and we are closer to 270 than Trump. Her favs/unfavs are far better than Trump’s, which can matter for late-breaking voters. She’s also closed the gap on the economy with Trump - a huge achievement. The flood of red wave polls in recent weeks (over 80 polls, 31 different orgs) have tipped some of the averages but do not be fooled. The race favors us and is not slipping away.

  • With our ground and financial advantage, we should be able to reach more voters and close stronger than the Rs in the final two weeks (why we have to keep working it). The organized opposition to Trump from prominent Republican leaders in the home stretch is also going to matter.

  • The last few days have been good ones for us in the battleground state early vote. My own assessment is that we should be encouraged by what we are seeing in GA, MI, NE and WI, and are competitive everywhere else. I will have more to say on the early vote tomorrow but so far, so good people.

  • Since Dobbs, we’ve been the party overperforming polls, not Republicans. Trump and Republicans, like their fascist allies in Europe and France this summer, have underperformed public polls repeatedly in this and the last election cycle. Will it be different this time? I wouldn’t bet on it.

  • The Senate remains a brawl, and there is a great deal of optimism about what we are seeing in the House races. The VP is heading to Houston on Friday for a big speech on abortion rights and reproductive freedom, and to support Colin Allred who has made it a race in Texas.

  • Our candidate isn’t unraveling on camera every day, and ducking challenging interviews and debates. Our candidate isn’t a rapist, fraudster, traitor and 34 times felon, the oldest person to be the nominee of an American political party and the most dangerous political leader in all of our history. Our candidate, the Vice President of the United States of America, is strong, winning, optimistic, committed to opportunity and freedom, is for the people and is working unbelievably hard to win this election for all of us.

Here is the Washington Post battleground state polling average from this morning (note no drift to Trump. This “drift” is a red mirage).

I want to be very clear here friends - the election is not trending away from Harris. That is a mirage, created by an extraordinary onslaught of red wave polls and Polymarket’s off-shore crypto voodoo. The Washington Post battleground state polling average shows no movement to Trump. Here are the independent polls we’ve received this week. No clear movement to Trump:

  • Harris 50%-46% (+4) Morning Consult - no change from last week

  • Harris 49%-46% (+3) UMass/YouGov - Harris up 3 since last poll

  • Harris 48%-45% (+3) Economist/YouGov - Trump gains a point

  • Harris 48%-45% (+3) Times of London/YouGov - Trump gains a point

  • Harris 48%-45% (+3) Ipsos/Reuters - no change from last poll

Here again are the battleground state polls the Washington Post released on Monday:

  • GA - Harris 51%-47%

  • WI - Harris 50%-47%

  • MI - Harris 49%-47%

  • PA - Harris 49%-47% (that’s 270 baby)

  • NV - Harris 48%-48%

  • AZ - Harris 46%-49%

  • NC - Harris 47%-50%

The media has started catching on to this red wave 2024 fuckery. Here’s a clip from MSNBC:

And the New Republic just dropped a major new expose on red wave 2024 that is well worth a read.

Friends, with 13 days to go, in every way imaginable, I would much rather be us than them. Let’s keep doing more and worrying less, and go out and win this thing, together!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doing More And Worrying Less/Working Hard And Closing Strong In The Home Stretch - We had a great turnout for our first home stretch last night and got to hear from Amish Shah and Anderson Clayton. We made calls in AZ-01 for Shah and North Carolina and Wisconsin for Harris-Walz. Some pics:

Let’s keep making calls people:

  • Thursday, Oct 24th, 7-9pm - Calls For Derek Tran (CA-45) and Harris-Walz - Register Here (expect to hear from Derek Tran live)

  • Tuesday, Oct 29th, 7-9pm - Calls for Christina Bohannan (IA-01), Janelle Stelson (PA-10) and Harris-Walz - Register Here (hope we will hear from both candidates, still working on it)

I also want to thank all of you who are self-reporting in on all your remarkable work across the country. Postcards, canvassing, back yard phonebank parties - you all are doing the work we need to do to win. Thank you all.

Let’s get to it!

Harris-Walz For President - $1,292,000 raised, $1,500,000 goal - Donate | Volunteer | Merch | Subscribe to The Harris-Walz YouTube Channel and watch her inspiring rallies live

Our Presidential Checkmate States and Wisconsin - Learn more about our “checkmate” strategy, and support Ruben Gallego and these three front-line state parties:

Winning The House - Keeping getting very good vibes from our candidates and House Democratic leadership about flipping the House this year. We need to keep working it peeps!

Keeping The Senate Blue - this is a brawl my friends, and we just have to keep working it:

Growing The Hopium Community - We’ve set some goals for the growth of our community so more of us can be doing more and worrying less in the home stretch:

  • Hopium Subscribers - 112,071 this morning, 125,000 goal

  • Paid Subscribers - 13,037 this morning, 14,000 goal

This new effort is off a great start everyone - thank you! Keep working it. Hopium paid subscribers get access to a weekly live home stretch political briefing and Founding Members will have their own small gathering on Fridays. You can become a paid subscriber and help us hit our goals by clicking on the link below or following this link. The subscription tab includes options for gift and group subscriptions, all 10% off through Election Day!

Keep working hard all. Proud to be in this fight with all of you - Simon

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