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Let's Go Joe!!!! Winning The House w/Andrei Cherny (AZ-01), Let's Keep Making June Count!

Tom Bonier and I will be together live this Saturday in Tyson's Corner, VA - come join us!

A big day today all. The first debate of the 2024 Presidential campaign is here! Got some things for you on this important day:

Why I Am Optimistic We Will Win - Yesterday I shared my new 30 minute video presentation on the 2024 election, along with a post that explains why I believe that if we do the work we should win this November. Much of my optimism is rooted our ability to sell the manifest success of the Biden Presidency, the third straight Democratic President to make things better, far far better on their watch:

In the last few weeks we’ve gotten repeated confirmation of the success of the Biden Presidency - inflation was zero last month and prices of many goods are failing, crime and murder rates are way down, gas prices are down, the flow to the border is down. We’ve had the strongest economic recovery of any advanced economy in the world, the best job market since the 1960s, the lowest uninsured rate in American history, the deficit is trillions less, the Dow has broken 40,000 and all three indices continue hover in record territory. Domestic oil, gas and renewable production continue to be at all time highs leaving America more energy independent than it has been in decades. The Wall Street Journal called the American economy the “envy of the world,” and the Economist just wrote about the unprecedented start up boom America is experiencing right now. Biden’s big three investment bills have dramatically accelerated the energy transition necessary to combat climate change and will be creating opportunities and jobs for our workers for decades to come.

Joe Biden promised to make things better for all of us, to get us successfully to the other side of COVID. And he has.

My optimism is also rooted in my confidence of our ability to convey the ugliness of Trump - rapist, fraudster, traitor, felon - and the threat of MAGA, a far more extreme and dangerous MAGA, is to everything that has made America great:

They want Putin to win, the West to lose. The border to be in chaos, and migrants to keep flowing into the country. The economy to crash. Americans to lose more rights and freedoms. The planet to warm faster. 10 year olds to carry their rapist's baby to term, and for more women to die on an operating room table. Tens of millions to lose their health insurance. More dead kids in schools. Verified rapists in positions of authority. A restoration of pre-Civil Rights era white supremacy. Huge new tariffs which raise prices on everything, destroy the global economy which has made us prosperous while enacting big tax cuts for the wealthiest. Books banned across the US. Seniors to pay more for insulin and prescription drugs. Foreign governments free to pollute our daily discourse and harass our citizens. Teenagers to work night shifts in meat packing plants and not go to school. The minimum wage to stay at $7.25. Mass arrests and mass deportations of immigrants long settled in the US. Insurrectionists to get pardoned. To end American democracy for all time.

Here’s the advice I offered Joe Biden about the debate tonight:

Be a patriot, powered by love of country.  We Democrats fly the flag right-side up, not upside down. 

Go on offense.  Despite inheriting deeply challenging circumstances, you’ve been a very successful President.  The country is far better off today.  Our economy is the “envy of the world.”  You will make it and our lives even better in the next four years.  

Be unsparing in your description of him – rapist, fraudster, traitor, felon – and the extremism and threat of MAGA.  Americans need to understand what MAGA has become.  We owe that to them. 

Be strong, have fun and good luck! Simon

Let’s send the President who has fought so hard for all of us all the good Hopium-infused vibes we can muster tonight, and let’s be prepared to be loud and proud about him and all that he has achieved through out networks tonight and in the days to come with unprecedented ferocity. He gets up every day fighting for us. Now we have to be there for him with all that we got.

Good luck tonight all. I will be in Atlanta with the campaign tonight and will try to send out something with my initial take as the debate ends. But we already know the core narrative of this election, don’t we?

Joe Biden is a good President. The country is better off. We have a strong case for re-election.

The Democratic Party is strong, winning elections all across the country, raising tons of money and building the most powerful political machine we’ve ever built.

And what do they have? They have Trump, the ugliest political thing we’ve ever seen, a rapist, fraudster, traitor and felon, leading a dysfunctional party, rife with infighting, criminality and division, that looks most days far more like a raging dumpster fire than a political force we should fear.


Winning The House With Andrei Cherny (AZ-01), Making June Count! - Today I’m releasing our fourth interview with one of our 12 Hopium-endorsed Winning The House candidates, Andrei Cherny who is running in AZ-01. The video recording is above.

Two things about Andrei and this race:

  • This district is not just a critical swing district for the House, it is also a critical swing district for Joe Biden and Ruben Gallego. So supporting Andrei also helps us win the Presidency and keep the Senate. Big return on every dollar put here or for all 12 of our endorsed candidates.

  • Andrei is a close friend, someone I’ve known since he was in college. Simply Andrei is known among here in DC as one of the smartest and best people we’ve all ever worked with. He is a brilliant and deeply accomplished guy - author, CEO, Navy vet, policy advisor to Clinton, Gore and Obama, husband, father - and if elected will become a consequential leader not just for his district but for all of us in the fierce battles ahead.

So please watch our interview, and you can donate to Andrei, volunteer and learn more by clicking on these links. This one really matters to me.

Our making June count campaign has brought in almost $700,000 for our candidate and state parties. It’s been a remarkable success - thank you all! We have now also poured more than a $1m into Biden-Harris and our three battlegrounds, Arizona, North Carolina and the second district of Nebraska this year. Another remarkable sign of your commitment and drive.

Today, as a way of channeling your anxiety and excitement, I hope you will take an action - donate, volunteer, promote - to support our Hopium endorsed candidates and state parties. June 30th is the last day of the second quarter, and every candidate has to make their q2 fundraising totals public in a few weeks. These will be critical, public tests of the strength, or weakness, of these candidates. So if you are going to make a donation this summer to anyone do it before Monday. It matters more before June 30th than after. Today, in fact, right now, would be a good time to donate, particularly for Biden-Harris as one of the story lines tonight and tomorrow will be how much each Presidential candidate raised due to their debate performances. You can give Joe a big boost by donating to him today!

Learn more about the “Check and Checkmate” strategy driving our June campaign and recommendations. Watch our new interviews with Nebraska Democratic Party Chair Jane Kleeb, Janelle Bynum (OR-5), George Whitesides (CA-27) and Kirsten Engel (AZ-06). Information on how to donate and volunteer are below:

Thank you all! Our community of proud patriots and information warriors just keeps bringing it day after day after day. So inspired by your passion, grit, determination and willingness to leave it all out there on the playing field for this great country. As we discuss in the new With Dems presentation, when democracy calls Democrats answer, and that is what all of you are doing now - answering democracy’s call, powerfully! Here’s a short video reminding us why we are in this fight, and why we must win:

10% Off Annual Hopium Membership in June - As a token of my gratitude for all that you are doing, I’m now offering a 10% discount on annual paid subscriptions for new subscribers through the end of the month. Click on this link to subscribe today. On that link you can also purchase gift or group subscriptions for others you’d like bring into the Hopium community. If you signed up as a paid subscriber in the first half of last year and want to make sure your paid subscription is current and up to date check be sure to visit here.

My stretch goal is to get to 10,000 paid subscribers by June 30th. We are within range of hitting that target as we are now over 9,760! These funds will put Hopium in a financial place to close out this election strong.

Simon and Tom Bonier Back Together This Saturday in Tyson’s Corner, With The Great Jessica Craven Too! - I’ll be speaking in person at Network NOVA’s 8th Annual Women’s Summit this weekend in Tyson’s Corner, VA with my buddy Tom Bonier and the inspiring Jessica Craven. Hope to see DC area Hopium folks there. Use promo code “Hopium” to get a 15% discount. More info, register today!

This will be the first time Tom and I have been together in person in quite a while - come join us!

Keep working hard all. Good luck tonight. Proud to be in this fight with all of you - Simon


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Hopium Chronicles By Simon Rosenberg
Hopium Chronicles With Simon Rosenberg Podcast
Expert commentary from a 30 year veteran of US politics. Here we'll be working on strategies to defeat MAGA, tell our story more effectively and ensure freedom and democracy prevail. Expect sharp analysis, live events and all sorts of Hopium!