Let's Have a Big Weekend Everyone, The VP Is Working Hard and Closing Strong, The Courage Of NeverTrumpers

While we close strong, Trump is clearly unwell, increasingly unhinged and unraveling in front of our eyes

Happy Friday all. Yesterday at a rally in Wisconsin, some MAGAs interrupted the Vice President’s speech. As they were escorted off, she had a message for them:

Because this was such a great moment, I am sharing it again from another angle. I am not sure which one I like better:

These raucous rallies have clearly become the Vice President’s happy place.

And ours too.

For our new Closing Strong episode this week Tara and I sat down with Olivia Troye, one of the leaders of the Republicans for Harris Coalition. Olivia is one of the courageous former senior Trump Administration officials who has spoken out about the dangers of a second Trump term. She spoke at our Convention. She has been campaigning across the country for the campaign. She is now a senior correspondent for Tara’s organization, COURIER Newsroom. Olivia talks to us about the big Republicans for Harris event on Wednesday in Pennsylvania, and her work to help bring reluctant Republicans along. Join me in thanking Olivia for her patriotism, courage and hard work for this growing pro-democracy coalition being assembled by the Vice President. It is a great interview, and it is above. Please make time to watch this weekend and share with others you think might be interested.

VP Harris Is Working Hard and Closing Strong, The Other Guy Is Unwell, Unhinged and Unraveling - Think back over these last few weeks. The VP has been everywhere. Pods, 60 Minutes, Rs for Harris events, barnstorming the battlegrounds, Fox News. They launched a Hungers and Angles for Harris-Walz. Obama and Bill Clinton have joined the trail, Michelle Obama joins it this weekend. The VP’s Fox News interview reached more voters this week than Trump’s Fox townhall - man the ketchup that flew last night!

The Harris campaign is working hard here in the home stretch for every vote, in every constituency - which is what winning campaigns do. That video of Kamala Harris I showed above is what a winning candidate looks and sounds like in the closing days of an election. We are working hard and closing strong, fighting for every vote.

The other guy swayed for 39 minutes to a bizarre soundtrack on stage this week. Painted on a new shade of burnt orange. Babbled last night at the Al Smith dinner, babbled at the Chicago Economic club earlier this week, babbled on Fox News this morning. He is cancelling events, refusing to debate. Apparently the big blubbery babyman, the oldest man person to ever be a nominee for President, does not have THE STRENGTH to run a full campaign any more. He is too weak, tired, scared - for he knows he is losing.

From Politico this morning:

NO SHADE — Recently, it’s become something of a pattern: Trump is scheduled for an interview with a neutral media outlet, the date nears and then … things fall apart.

It happened just this week to planned Trump sit-downs with NBC in Philadelphia and CNBC’s “Squawk Box” — and that’s on the heels of him backing out of a “60 Minutes” episode earlier this month.

Why does this keep happening? Playbook has learned that yet another outlet was given an explanation by Trump’s team for why their own interview wasn’t coming to fruition: exhaustion.

The Trump campaign had been in conversations for weeks with The Shade Room about a sit-down interview. The site, which draws an audience that is largely young and Black, hosted an interview with Harris just last week.

But as no interview materialized, Shade Room staff began feeling that feet were being dragged inside Trump’s campaign. No date was ever set, we’re told, but the intention was to try and work toward a sit-down.

In a conversation earlier this week, when describing why an interview hadn’t come together just yet, a Trump adviser told The Shade Room producers that Trump was “exhausted and refusing [some] interviews but that could change” at any time, according to two people familiar with the conversations.

If he cannot keep a full campaign schedule, how in the world can he serve as President for four years?

Donald Trump is a rapist, fraudster, traitor and 34 times felon. He is a racist, xenophobe, misogynist and bigot. He is unfit, unwell and unraveling. A babyman not a strong man. He is an extremist who wants to end the American-led global economic system that has made us prop serous, the Western alliance that has kept us safe and our democracy that has keep us free. He has fealty to foreign dictators not to the greatest democracy the world has ever known.

Yesterday, under oath at a Canadian inquiry, the Prime Minister of Canada said that Tucker Carlson is on the payroll of Russian intelligence. Here is a photo of where this Russian intelligence asset was on the first night of the Republican Convention - right next to Trump, Vance and Speaker Mike Johnson.

Friends, we are winning this election but have not won it yet. We need to have a big weekend and keep moving this election towards us. People are starting to vote in large numbers and we need to be loud and proud and be talking to them. Make sure you are signing up for canvassing and phone/text shifts, mailing your last batches of postcards, donating strategically to the places where you money will make the biggest impact. No person has ever deserved to lose more than Donald Trump. No one has betrayed this country more. Our campaign is raising it’s game, working hard, closing strong, peaking at the right time. He is unraveling, exhausted, ridiculous, burnt orange. Let’s make this a big weekend all - for our freedoms, our democracy, our families and our future.

For more on the 2024 election in the home stretch:

  • My “Working Hard and Closing Strong” election video update with special guests Tom Bonier and Ruben Gallego. In this video Tom and I do a deep dive on the latest, very encouraging data on voter reg and the early vote. We also hear from Ruben who explains to us why he and the Vice President will carry Arizona.

  • Two MeidasTouch appearances - On Wednesday I talked about why I am optimistic we will win and dove into the red wave pollster and Polymarket voodoo fuckery. Yesterday Tom and I talked about the early vote, voter reg and more.

  • Our new episode of Closing Strong drops later this morning. You can find it on the COURIER Newsroom YouTube channel if you want to watch/listen this weekend. In addition to our interview with Olivia, Tara and I talk to Tom Bonier and do a deep dive on the VP’s closing strong media blitz over the past few weeks. It is a really good episode and I am proud of the quality of the content we’ve produced in this series. Tara is an extraordinarily talented emerging leader, and it has been a fun and rewarding collaboration.

  • I will have more on the early vote tomorrow. We are finally starting to get enough vote in across the country to have a sense of what’s happening. While we should be encouraged by what we are seeing, Republicans are clearly working the early vote harder this year than 2020 and it is a dogfight out there. Why we need to need make every day a good day, and make this a big weekend!

Doing More And Worrying Less/Working Hard And Closing Strong In The Home Stretch - Friends, you just keep bringing it here. Your comments in the group chat about your early voting and all the work you are doing are deeply inspiring. Our Winning The House Thursday series had it’s biggest night of the year last night, and we are now over 110,000 postcards written for our 15 intrepid House seat flippers. The money we are raising here continues to be incredible, way beyond anything I could have imagined. Thank you all. For the very early days of our work together here at Hopium when called you all have answered.

My one big ask today - commit to vote early, and do something to promote the importance of voting early through your networks. We just have to keep driving the early vote, my friends. It is our job one now through Election Day.

My second big ask today - support the Nebraska Democratic Party. Help us win the blue dot, flip NE-02 and steal a Senate seat from the Rs. In a small state like Nebraska you donation goes a long way and we have a bit more money to raise here to hit our goal. Governor Walz campaigns there tomorrow so let’s send Jane Kleeb, Tony Vargas and other Nebraska Dems some Hopium love!

Let’s get to it!

Harris-Walz For President - $1,253,000 raised, $1,500,000 goal - Donate | Volunteer | Merch | Subscribe to The Harris-Walz YouTube Channel and watch her inspiring rallies live

Our Presidential Checkmate States and Wisconsin - Learn more about our “checkmate” strategy, and support Ruben Gallego and these three front-line state parties:

Winning The House - Keeping getting very good vibes from our candidates and House Democratic leadership about flipping the House in a few weeks. We need to keep working it peeps!

  • Support All 15 With A Single Donation - $1,626,000 raised, $1,750,000 goal - Donate | Volunteer, Learn More and Watch Interviews With Our Candidates

  • Support The 4 New House Candidates In Our Expanded Target List (Shah, Tran, Bohannan, Stelson, - $96,000 raised, $100,000 goal - Donate | Volunteer and Learn More.

  • Donate Directly To A Candidate - You can donate to any of our 15 candidates directly here.

  • Winning The House Thursdays - We have completed our Winning The House Thursday series. Our team completed more than 100,000 postcards into these 15 winnable House seats - thank you all. We will have an update on our plans to keep phonebanking in the home stretch tomorrow. We will be making calls together the next two Tuesdays and next Thursday night.

Keeping The Senate Blue - this is a brawl my friends, and we just have to keep working it:

Growing The Hopium Community - We’ve set some goals for the growth of our community so more of us can be doing more and worrying less in the home stretch:

  • Hopium Subscribers - 109,215 this morning, 125,000 goal

  • Paid Subscribers - 12,763 this morning, 14,000 goal

This new effort is off a great start everyone - thank you! Keep working it. Hopium paid subscribers get access to a weekly live home stretch political briefing and Founding Members will have their own small gathering on Fridays. You can become a paid subscriber and help us hit our goals by clicking on the link below or following this link. The subscription tab includes options for gift and group subscriptions, all 10% off through Election Day!

Keep working hard all. Proud to be in this fight with all of you!!!!! Simon


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